Day 15 – Part 2 – The Gyre Still Turns

In Puerto Rico, our groups are enjoying their penultimate day together in fine form. Mike, Annie and their group are enjoying a final day of hiking in El Yunque. They sent in the first shot of several of their lads taking in the scenery from the Yokahu Tower in the rainforest. Alex, Lidia and Co. spent their day surfing with Ramses near Rincon. See the second shot below. Lidia reported that everyone was able to get up — and that Ramses thought Lauren was so good, she should consider going pro. Not bad for a first day. Both groups will converge on Old San Juan tomorrow for a final day of exploration before saying goodbye on Monday.

Day 15 – Part 1 – The Gyre Turns

Alright, Dear Reader, we’re officially back in the saddle after yesterday’s egregious neglect of the blog. But — the good news is that two new Cape trips are up and running. And, as one cycle begins, so must another end — so says Basho. Or maybe not.

Day 13 – Time Warp

Does it strike anyone else as baffling that we are just about two full weeks into the season? Perhaps you, Dear Reader, are not keeping track of days passing quite to the extent that we are up here, but we are convinced (convinced, I tell you!) that time has actually accelerated and Einstein’s Theory of Relativity has come undone.

Day 12 – We Caved


Confessions are due, Dear Reader. Apogee, bastion of clean living, sentinel of energy efficiency, bard of green things (I’m running out of ideas here…), has plugged in. The air conditioner is sitting in the window. And you know what? It’s great. It’s wonderful.