Day 19 – Laws of the Universe

Is this blog the right place to comment on a National League win in the All-Star Game? What other Laws of the Universe are up for re-writing this week? Ohhh, you want to know about Apogee trips. Apologies. OK — to the matter at hand!

Day 18 – Transcendental Blogging

Ahh, summer. Unfolding in refulgent splendor all around us! Let us soak in the deep greens of summer time and store them away for the iron grey of February! OK — Emersonian rhapsodizing done for the day — let’s get down to business. Here at Apogee Intergalactic HQ, we are in the briefest of summer lulls today, with only four trips in the field today…

Day 17 – Charging On


Greetings, Apogee-ea! After some rocky weather, we’re enjoying a delightful, true summer day up here today. I was able to sneak away from the computer long enough to test the lovely waters of Casco Bay this morning and can attest that, yes, indeed, Maine remains the best State in the Union (at least in July).

Day 16 – More Wheels in Motion

This Sunday, an intermittently wet one up here in Brunswick, was a day of transition all over the Wide World of Apogee. Three trips wrapped up today — we were awash in hugs in Freeport as our Coast to Quebec group said goodbye in the same spot where, two weeks, more than four hundred miles, and thousands of memories ago, the group came together for the first time. I snuck a picture of Pete and Emily’s group in a last group hug. A last group hug that ended in a cry of “A-pogy,” apparently a common French-Canadian rendition of our humble name.