Day 26 – No News is Good News

Pete and Jess’ group of Coast to Quebecers were helping out at the Coastal Mountain Land Trust today — picking up where Corley and Andy’s group left off yesterday. They spent their “off” day hiking up a mountain, hauling signage. This is all part of a strategy to make tomorrow’s hills seem smaller — social engineering at its finest! Pete did send me a lovely shot from the summit, too.

Day 25 – Part 2 – Lots of Sunset/Sunrise Shots

All the way over on the shores of Puget Sound, Mike and Annie’s Northwest Explorers enjoyed a great first night together (replete with an epic game of “Giants, Wizards & Elves” (how come these groups all play games I’ve never heard of?)) and shoved off today for Olympic National Park.

Day 25 – Part 1 – Lots of Sunset/Sunrise Shots

This is likely to be another Two-Part Tuesday, as we have a lot of pictures from across the country to fit in to today’s blog – a surprising number of which involve either the sunrise or the sunset.

Day 24 – Not So Quiet

How about a virtual round of applause for our celebrity guest blogger? None other than Kevin Cashman was steering you around the wide world of Apogee yesterday — and if you ask me, he did a terrific job. So much so that I think we should see more of him in the blog — don’t you agree? I think everyone should email Kevin and demand that he write more often. Much more often…