Day 29 – Quick Updates

Good morning, Apogee-aniacs! After yesterday’s late-night posting, I suppose I’m trying to balance things out with an AM post today. My sense of balance and order aside, I’m also addressing the reality that with another Massachusetts trip-start today, I’m not likely to be able to sit down at the computer again today. Just a few quick reports have come in so far this morning…

Day 28 – Late Night Musings

As I start this entry, it is 11:24 PM – it’s been a long day in the wide world of Apogee… Our indomitable leaders, and Kevin and I, started our last Cape trip of the summer today, which is always a delight. Less of a delight today, however, was the four hours it took to get from Falmouth, Mass. to Danvers, Mass after the trip start – and I was supposed to be going against traffic, for crying out loud! In any case, here we are, and two more wonderful Cape groups are under way tonight. It was a damp afternoon in Falmouth, but it promises to be a gorgeous week. Our very last trip start of the year is tomorrow – David and Anna have the honors with their fourth go-around with the New England Mountains & Coast trip.

Day 27 – The Rewards to Training – Part 1

On June 15, our 23 leaders and support staff arrived in Brunswick for 10 days of leader training. It’s one of my favorite parts of our season…but also one of the most exhausting.