Day 31 – Guest Blogger – Part 2

David and Anna of NEMC just called to say they are walking around North Conway after waking up for a beautiful sunrise hike. They plan on hiking Mt. Washington tomorrow, which, in my opinion, is the best hike (or at least in the top five!) in New England.

Day 31 – Guest Blogger – Part 1

Hello Apogee followers around the globe! Yet another guest blogger today! Susie Hufstader (yours truly) is one of two support staff working for Apogee this summer. This is my first summer with Apogee (as a staff member), but I was a student on the Cape and Islands, Coast to Québec, and Vermont to Boston trips in ’04, ’05, and ’06.

Day 30 – A Day of Pictures – Part 2

Some of Sam and Rachel’s PC group enjoyed a game of Ninja (never heard of it before…) during a quick break yesterday. The group is actually surfing today in Crescent City, CA.

Day 30 – A Day of Pictures – Part 1

Let’s face it, when you get on your computer in the late afternoon to check our blog or the Apogee Facebook Fan Page (btw, if you’re not a Fan yet, please become one), it’s not to read our well written prose, our amusing anecdotes, or entertaining commentary on trip life (although that’s a major bonus). You want to see pictures of your kids…albeit often grainy, pixilated and shadowed pictures…but pictures nonetheless. We received shots from most of our groups in the field today. The only folks we didn’t get anything from were David and Anna (who spent much of their day on a ropes course), and Andy & Corley (who rafted the Kennebec and are largely out of cell phone range).