
Leader Profile – Anna Hager


It is a rare person indeed who has paddled past the caribou on the shores of the Quoich River in distant Nunavut, Canada.   And even more rare is the young person who has paddled the Quoich, worked on an organic farm, serves as the president of her chorus, runs champion-level track and field for Amherst College, and ran more than 2500 miles in 2010.   We are very happy that the singing, paddling, running Anna Hager is joining us this summer to lead our Pacific Coast trip.

Hailing from Concord, Massachusetts, Anna comes from a family that valued creativity and exploration.   She traveled extensively with her family to canoe remote rivers in northern Canada in the summer.   In high school, Anna was the Captain of her cross-country team and spent a semester at the Mountain School in Vershire, Vermont, where she lived and worked on an organic farm with sixty other high-achieving high school students.   At Amherst College, Anna is double-majoring in Geography and English.   She is also involved with sundry organizations and has proven herself to be a true leader on her varsity track team.   Over recent summers, Anna has worked with children from a variety of backgrounds as an outdoor educator at another community-oriented organic farm.   As a result of her experiences, Anna brings remarkable sensitivity, a keen sense of observation and a tremendous desire to engage with her students to her trips.   Anna’s students will benefit from her unique perspective and warm, engaged leadership.   Anna is certified in First Aid and CPR.

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