Day 7: Let the Good Times Roll

Day 7: Let the Good Times Roll!

Good evening, Apogee blog! The good times keep rolling along in the Apo world as our adventurers bike, hike, and kayak! Our groups also did some awesome service projects, enjoyed well-earned rest days, and ate some delicious food! And would it even be a real Apogee blog if we didn’t mention the giggles shared and memories made? Read on to see what each trip got up to today!


Alaska Mountains & Coast (AKMC)

Today AKMC helped Kenai Watershed Forum with habitat protection! They trapped fish, cleaned fishing line, picked up litter, recorded data, and learned about salmon. Along the way, the group also enjoyed some sweet views of Turnagain Arm! After their community service AKMC explored the coastal port town of Seward and stopped for lunch. Check back in tomorrow to see more of the group’s time exploring town!


Alps Explorer A (AXA)

‘Twas the night before the TMB, and visions of peaks danced in these trekkers’ heads before tucking in for some ZZZ’s. It was a big day for AXA as they made their final preparations before they start the Tour du Mont Blanc TOMORROW! The bags are packed, the food is stocked, and the stoke is HIGH. Today was a prep day, and while that is super exciting, we didn’t get any photos of it. Fear not, you are not going without pictures! Here are some awesome bonus ones from yesterday.

Alps Explorer B (AXB)

Today is day 6 for AXB! Today with the help of their French guide Elle they headed off into the misty morning to summit near Lac Blanc. The peak served as the parfait (“perfect” in French) place for lunch. The descent went through La Flegere— a rustic refuge which served as the perfect resting place. AXB walked through snowbanks, spotted some ibex and brought their switchback count to the high double digits— their tired legs will be glad of their beds tonight! Check back in tomorrow to see how AXB uses their free day in picturesque Chamonix!

Quaker time!

Cape Cod & the Islands (CI)

What’s SUP, everyone? (Sorry, had to). Our Cape adventurers took to the sea today aboard their sweet SUPs (Stand Up Paddleboards), exploring one of Cape Cod’s many beautiful bays and rivers on what was an absolutely stunning day to be on the water. Having crushed many miles and traveled many waterways today, these cyclists will rest well tonight!

Caribbean Service Puerto Rico (CSPR)

Hola Amigos! Today CSPR volunteered with Apoyo Mutuo Agricola – a non-profit that provides aid to small farms around Puerto Rico. The hard working crew completed a variety of tasks including raking, painting, and moving dirt. After they concluded their service and lunch, they hit the trail for a lovely afternoon hike – ending at a swimming hole!

Caribbean Service Virgin Islands (CSVI)

Over the past five days, the CSVI team has truly become a family. This bond was evident as they worked on their service project at The Nature Conservancy, maintaining some of the trails in their extensive trail system on the island. The CSVI team enjoyed their afternoon by soaking up the sun at Jack & Isaac’s Bay beaches and doing some hiking on the east side of the island. A bonus photo from last night’s amazing bio-bay kayak adventure is also included below!

Colorado’s Rocky Mountains (CRM)

Today our mountaineers kicked off the day with a vertical accent… and it sounds like it rocked!! (Get it?) The crew rock-climbed to their heart’s content. Giggles were definitely shared as skills were developed and heights were conquered. What a day in the Rockies! The crew rounded things out with a bit of laundry allowing for a much needed decrease in stinkiness. But hey, stinkiness is a sign of a good time, right? We love type 2 fun!

Costa Rica Mountains & Coast (CRMC)

Today was “challenge hike” dayyyy for our Costa Rica Mountains & Coasters and these views don’t ever seem to get old. The crew was feeling the energy as they immersed themselves into their incredible scenery around Chirripó today including waterfalls, bridges, and clouds. They rounded things off with a bit of laundry and a yummy traditional Costa Rican dinner before they head into the rainforest tomorrow. Yeehaw!

Europe Coast to Coast 1 (ECC1)

Having crushed their longest day of cycling yesterday, today was a well-deserved rest day for ECC1 in Bruges, Belgium! After sleeping in this morning, they gave their trusty steeds (aka their bikes) some mechanical TLC, then headed into Bruges to indulge in some legendary Belgian waffles and pizza! They also got to enjoy all that Bruges has to offer (beyond the delicious food); it boasts beautiful canals, a rich history of lace-making, and stunning Neo-Gothic architecture. Well-rested and well-traveled, these cyclists are ready and STOKED to take on another day on the road tomorrow!

Europe Coast to Coast 2 (ECC2)

Guess who just completed their longest mileage day of the trip? Europe Coast to Coast 2, of course! Tot ziens (“goodbye” in Dutch) to the Netherlands and hallo (“hello” in Dutch) to Belgium! Today’s adventure included a ferry ride, long stretches of riding along Napoleonic-era canals and indulging in delicious chocolate croissants while dodging some rain clouds. They have certainly earned their rest day tomorrow – check this space in 24hrs to see how these powerhouse bikers spend their time off the bikes in Bruges!

Golden State Adventure (GSA)

Today is Day 5 for the Golden State Adventure, and they’re definitely living up to their name! The GSA crew started the day with an exciting sea kayaking adventure. Then, they headed to Tomales Point Lighthouse, where they enjoyed some of the BEST views on the West Coast, thanks to the tower standing at roughly 11 meters tall. Word on the street is that they followed up their excursions with a spa day in camp… can you even dream up a dreamier day? We sure can’t… Keep following their journey for more amazing updates!

Iceland Mountains & Coast (IMC)

It’s day 5 for our Icelandic friends and we couldn’t be more stoked for them. First things first, they left their home from the last three days (Grundarfjörður) to head off to their home for the next three days – the beautiful town of Vik! Along the way they stopped to hike up to some natural hot springs! So lovely. Then they were off to explore Vik, including their stunning black sand beaches. Stay tuned for the next chapter in what’s already been an eventful Icelandic adventure!

Maine Coast College Essay (MCCE)

Our Maine Coast College Essay writers are back at it today with another morning writing workshop to get the brain juices flowing. The rest of the day was spent frolicking, with a delicious picnic lunch and swim, followed by a trip to the beach for dinner! It was a proper day for our Mainers.

Maine’s Downeast Explorer (DEX)

Today is day 2 of backcountry camping for these champs! As they make their way along the Appalachian trail, we can only imagine the fun that they are having. We can truly only imagine it, as there’s not enough cell service to send pictures, but we look forward to a big photo dump when they emerge from the Maine backcountry tomorrow!


New England Mountains & Coast (NEMC)

The New England Mountains & Coasters enjoyed another beautiful day in the White Mountains! They hiked Mount Willard and were rewarded by some awesome, sunny views! And what’s a better way to cap off an excellent summer day than s’mores around the fire back at camp? Big things await NEMC as they approach their last day of hiking tomorrow. Perhaps Mt. Washington is on the horizon? Stay tuned!

Northwest Explorer (NWX)

Hey, Northwest Explorer fans! It’s day 7 for our folks up yonder and they had a lovely transit day as they said goodbye to the Olympic Peninsula and hello to the Cascades! They caught a ferry, set up camp, did some laundry, acquired their bear cans and did a biiiig resupply (featuring excellent snacks!). Now that they’re in the Cascades, whitewater rafting and their second backcountry adventure are on the horizon!

Pacific Coast (PC)

Yahoo, it’s rest day numero uno for our Pacific Coast crew! Given that they aren’t riding today, the group was stoked to not kick off the day with a full break down of camp – hooray for rest days! After a leisurely morning and breakfast in camp, the PCers spent the rest of the day giving back to the Oregon coast they’ve gotten to know so well, by doing a beach clean-up for their community service project; and the stoke was high, judging by those smiles! After cleaning up the beach, they put the “P” in “PC”, and cooled off in the Pacific Ocean, before enjoying a lovely picnic on the beach. It’s our PCers last day in Oregon before crossing into California tomorrow and they are soaking it up the last bits of Oregon. Rock on, team!

Pyrenees Mountains and Coast (PMC)

PMC set out on an EPIC adventure today as they started the Carros de Foc (CdF)! They hiked up to their first of many beautiful mountain lodges, which will host our hikers each night on the CdF. The scenic road offered a gentle introduction to the CdF. At Estany St. Maurici, they took a break to enjoy a lovely picnic lunch before continuing towards Amitges via the beautiful Cascada Ratera. The hike was a perfect blend of challenging terrain and breathtaking views, making it a truly memorable journey. The inclines were no match for these rockstars. 

Vermont to Montreal (VM)

Greetings, readers! Today was Day 5 for our VM rock stars and they journeyed into Burlington, VT. They spent the day volunteering at a local food-focused non-profit called Intervale, joyfully contributing to providing fresh produce. A day off the bikes awaits them tomorrow, and we know the crew is pumped to kayak on Lake Champlain and explore Burlington’s vibrant streets and exciting atmosphere—an ideal destination for our adventurous cyclists!