Day 43: So long, farewell, auf auf wiedersehen, goodbye! Adieu, adieu, to you, and you, and you

By Squilliam Vietze

Good evening, colleagues. Today was a day of marvelous trip finishes/final destination reaches in the Apogee world. Our groups crossed bridges, belly flopped oceans, conquered (entered) cities, and drove homeward after some truly epic odysseys. ACC2 finally crossed the country after absolutely devouring miles all summer long and were rewarded with a group dip in the Pacific, the Atlantic’s super chill younger brother. I hope there is a mountain of fish tacos waiting for them somewhere or, at the very least, a chilled soda pop.

This is sadly my penultimate day in the Apogee office for the summer. I will surely miss all my loyal followers and hope to write for you again some day. Its been a pleasure crafting absurd trip descriptions for all of your viewing pleasure. Please feel free to comment your favorite line of the summer and I’ll remember you forever. Farewell, pals, until we meet again.


Maine Coast Junior (MCJ)

MCJ hopped on the bikes after a successful hike yesterday! Having biked the carriage roads twice, I can assure you, the group is having a neat time. Tomorrow, they’ll navigate back to the Freeport area for some sea-kayaking stellarness!

Cape Cod & the Islands (CI)

The Cape and Islanders wrapped up their nautical adventure today, heading home after a week of Cape Cod chips, hermit crabs, wave riding, salty locals, gray shingles, fried clam cologne (if its not a thing, it should be) and so much more. They must have many a tale to tell, mateys!

New England Mountains & Coast (NEMC)

The NEMC squad wrangled the rapids by raft this morning. They were overjoyed to trade in their backpacks for paddles and watch Jack giggle like a boy as they traversed the river. Rumor has it: the rafting company cooks a mean steak.

Oh Canada!

Caribbean Service Adventure (CSA)

The CSA crew completed a morning of service before an afternoon barbecue and (you guessed it) swimming like merpeople in the warmest of waters.

I could probably make myself look that comfortable in Maine’s waters

Maine’s Downeast Explorer (DEXA)

DEXA emerged from the backcountry and (probably) rewarded themselves with an ice cream treat. After resupplying today, they’re all revved up and ready to go to try a summit attempt of Mt. Katahdin tomorrow! We’ll keep our fingers crossed for good weather and summit pictures tomorrow!

Maine’s Downeast Explorer (DEXB)

Austin, Celeste, and the explorers set off on a quest to find the illusive leopard shark (for all you Wes Anderson fans out there). They explored Maine’s famed coastline by kayak, refreshed by the salty sea after several days in the backcountry. Rumor has it: Austin packed a backpack full of lemons in case scurvy sets in. Argh!

Vermont to Montréal (VM)

VM said farewell after a majestic day in Montreal. Rumor has it: the van ride was a full on jam sesh lead by Carter’s sweet, sweet voice. So long Vermonsters, your smiling faces will be missed in the blogosphere.

Say fromage! Where’s your mime garb, Emma?
Lotta love, lotta matching, lotta Roots
Wearing a Bruins hat in Quebec while eating a massive plate of poutine? I like your style, kid
Looks like some sort of strange Nacho Poutine Frankenstein. Nice work!

Costa Rica Language & Service (CRLS)

CRLS voyaged out of the jungle towards Costa Rica’s idyllic Manuel Antonio National Park. The following days will be filled with laughter, wave shredding, aquatic adventures, and Connor’s  remarkable tan. Stay tuned for mas pura vida. 

California Mountains & Coast (CMCA)

CMC Archery departed the beloved backcountry after days of remarkable scenery, surf slang preparation, and Shannon and Kevin’s warm smiles (how adorable am I?). They drove down to the Santa Cruz Redwoods to rest their legs and smiles before a tubular day of surfing tomorrow. Word is: after two trips, Shannon finally feels comfortable using surf terminology in front of others. Gripping stuff there. Long awaited photos, incoming- and they were worth the wait!!

Can you spot the group?

California Mountains & Coast (CMCB)

CMC Badminton followed their compadres down the coast to Santa Cruz to prepare for a cruisey day of wave chasing. The entire group is especially anxious to watch Jare seek acceptance among NorCal’s surly surf locals. Good luck, Jare, you’ve got this!

Missed a face in the last pic! Now we have ’em all – hello!

Coast to Québec (CQA)

CQA tackled 50 miles before noon, rolling into Quebec City to begin a lifelong exploration of the intricacies of poutine. They toughed out many hilly miles throughout the trip and couldn’t be more excited to don their berets and wax poetic about French culture. Congrats, friends!

A nice variety of smiles types ranging from the coy eye smile to full blown FROMAGE
Overheard: do you think there’s a poutine princess in there? Do you think that blog guy will incorporate poutine into every caption?

Coast to Québec (CQB)

CQB conquered their most challenging day, pedaling into Quebec City like Stanley Cup Champions (in their minds). Tina crafted several elegant French sentences upon her arrival, while Ezra stared at a refreshingly large bag of cheese curds. Congrats on a sweet trip, pals!

What is the French word for panorama?

Montana Service Adventure (MSA)

Our cowboys and cowgirls hopped back on their noble stallions and rode 29 miles to Whitefish. They enjoyed a gourmet lunch and some chilled beverages for lunch, because nothing says Montana quite like Odwalla and artisanal bread. Tomorrow: celebratory day in Whitefish!

Trivia: how did cowboys survive in the wild? Answer: Odwalla

Northwest Explorer (NWXA)

NWXA returned to land after an epic voyage through the Puget Sound. Although the trip had ample hashtag Pacific Northwest vibes, it was noticeable lacking in hashtag grunge vibes. Tomorrow, they will explore Seattle in search of grunge, coffee, my sisters, uncles, and the perfect flannel shirt.

Northwest Explorer (NWXB)

NWXB exited the backcountry to reintegrate themselves into society. They most likely looked hilariously bewildered as they relearned to use modern inventions after a week of pure wilderness. Tomorrow they will join their counterparts on a journey through Seattle’s very chill streets. Rumor has it: Sean’s beard may not pass Seattle’s rigorous standards.

Hashtag team Edward channeling their inner vampire
Woah! Did a kind goat take this photo!?
Literally how I get to work in the morning
Fun fact: Ari is extremely skilled with green screens and photo shop. Don’t trust this photo!


Pacific Coast (PCA)

PCA biked across a large red bridge that some Full House fans might recognize. If not, you might’ve seen it in Jason Segel’s iconic The Five Year Engagement. They have been enveloped by Karl’s moist embrace throughout the day but stoke remains high. Overheard: who is Karl and why is he embracing them? Congratulations on a radical trip, my dudes and dudettes!

Really convincing job, friends
Wilson! Wilson! Get it? Ryan looks like Tom Hanks in the romantic comedy Castaway
Karl the fog looks really handsome in this one, but where’s Grace?
There she is!
This is on the San Francisco side, for those of you who aren’t, you know, in the know

Pacific Coast (PCB)

PC Barnacle Bill also made their way down the Pacific coast, crossing the Golden Gate Bridge on a foggy afternoon. What an amazing journey it’s been, to get them across this awesome land mark – congrats!

Scottish Highland Explorer (SHX)

The Highlanders took the Hogwarts Express from Inverness to Edinburgh, of family comedy, Trainspotting, fame. They had a grand day strolling through the city’s wee historic streets and dreaming about Scottish cuisine. Nobody (to my knowledge) had tried haggis yet, so please stay tuned for updates. Congrats on a lovely and challenging trip, mates!

In The Year Of Our Lord 1314, Patriots Of Scotland, Starving And Outnumbered, Charged The Fields Of Bannockburn, They Fought Like Warrior Poets, The Fought Like Scotsman, And Won Their Freedom. – William Wallace
It’s all for nothing if you don’t have freedom. – William Wallace
Freeeedommm! – William Wallace

Alps Explorer (AXA)

AXA completed the Tour du Mont Blanc in the rain, arriving at the Pink Church thoroughly drenched. They donned every piece of rain gear in existence and were happy to smell like a pack of wet dogs as they completed their 170 km tour.  They are currently knee deep in fondue somewhere in Geneve. Congrats, pals, you successfully made our lives seem dull and meaningless!

Purple rain, purple rain – Prince
Is that the pink church? Looks more like a light salmon to me
Every town should have a sherbet colored church. Agree or disagree?
Looks lake they’re having a swell time

Alps Explorer (AXB)

AXB rode to Geneve via train to open up their very own Swiss bank accounts (please forgive me). They had a lovely and relaxing day in the lakeside city, bathing in fondue fountains of chocolat and fromage. Question: Has anybody seen Johnny Depp’s delightful film Chocolat? Unfortunately, no photos got through today – we’ll look forward to many tomorrow!

America Coast to Coast (ACC2)

ACC2 completed their odyssey across our fine nation by diving into the Pacific. Sherry probably used “fam” “squad goals” “lit” “truuu” or some combination thereof as they dove in the sea. A huge congratulations are in order to this tough team of rough riders. They covered 2,700 miles using only the power of human legs and friendship! We couldn’t be more proud of you and your momentous accomplishment!

WOOHOO grab some fish tacos on me!
A small tear just slowly rolled down by cheek
Have you dipped your bike wheel in the Pacific and the Atlantic after covering 2,700 miles of scorching hot terrain only inhabited by lizards? I didn’t think so