
Day 40: Hashtag Monday

By: Annika Nygren

Day 40: Alrighty folks, it’s the day you’ve all been waiting for. It’s the day where today’s hip new lingo and social media tagging meets Apogee Adventures. It’s the day where parents who are not in the know, get in the know. Where moms and dads go from being “hip” to “cool” or, “dope.” [Ed. Note:  It also just happens to be the day when our first ACC group hits the beach in San Diego! #yesyesyes!]

It’s #Monday.

What is this # sign kids these days are putting in front of words and phrases? Is it a number sign? Is it an octothorp (I had to look that one up…) Is it signaling ‘press pound at the tone’? No, my dear friends, it is a “hashtag.” In today’s day and age, social media is on the rise and it’s a complex world full of tags out there. But, to the younger generation, #s aren’t necessarily used in this marketing sense, but more as word used casually in everyday conversations. I would almost compare it to when saying ‘like’ all the time was like, all the rage. Almost.

How to read a #.

Step 1: When you see a “#” sign, immediately read it as “hashtag.”

Step 2: Practice here: #apogeeadventures #blog

Step 3: Check here that you did it right: The above statement would read: “hashtag Apogee Adventures, hashtag blog.”

Don’t ask me why people do it, just try to embrace this new lingo. #kidsthesedays.

For a more thorough example of the (excessive) use of hashtags, please watch this video. It is a Jimmy Kimmel and Justin Timberlake stroke of brilliance. It is two minutes long, and two minutes of your life you will not regret spending watching this hilarious video. (head’s up there’s a little off-color language at the verrrry end! It’s bleeped out, but it’s not perfect.) #enjoy!

Okay, enough about #hashtags. Let’s get going on the #blogpost, shall we?

Once you #start, you can’t #stop. #cantstopwontstop #mileycyrus?

Maine Coast Junior (MCJ A & B): Today both Mary and Mike’s and Erin and Marino’s groups transitioned to Acadia National Park. #jealous. This afternoon was spent hiking out to a beautiful, quintessential Maine lighthouse.

Maine Coast Junior (MCJ A): Mary and Mike’s crowd! #hikingmachinesIMG959965




Maine Coast Junior (MCJ B): Marino and Erin’s crew!

Screen Shot 2014-08-04 at 3.34.30 PM#cuties

IMG_2884S’mores from last night! #yummm

Cape Cod and the Islands (CI): Final dinner and shenanigans in the Boston hostel last night! Emily and Will said sad #goodbyes to these kiddos as they went their separate ways after an awesome 11 days together exploring Cape Cod and the Islands.

IMG_4051.JPG#bunklife #hostelliving




New England Mountains and Coast (NEMC): The #finaldinner in Portland. We will be sad to see this team go – especially their #practical head/rain -gear. And just like that, Matt and Midge have successfully wrapped up their Apogee summer season. #greatwork


Vermont to Montreal (VM): Border crossing!! Abby and Reuben’s team entered onto foreign soil today. From #Vermont to #Canada and soooon #Montreal.Screen Shot 2014-08-04 at 3.40.02 PM

Screen Shot 2014-08-04 at 3.39.48 PM#goteam!

California Mountains and Coast (CMC): Day hike and preparing for the #backcountry in Yosemite! We will miss pictures from these mountain explorers for a few days! #goodluck! #havefun #missyoualready!


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IMG_2870Rainy #dayhike today! #rainincalifornia?

Caribbean Service Adventure (CSA): Checked out a #lighthouse near Cabo Rojo after a morning of #service at the Wildlife refuge. Check out those blue waters! #gorgeous #jealous #caribbeansun Screen Shot 2014-08-04 at 1.49.19 PM


Screen Shot 2014-08-04 at 1.31.51 PM#candid? #sarcasm

Screen Shot 2014-08-04 at 11.18.18 AMTaking a #break from some hot work at the wildlife refuge. #shadeisgoooood.

Montana Service Adventure (MSA): Hannah and Opie’s crowd are riding the beautiful, spectacular, breathtaking “Going to the Sun” road up and over the Continental Divide today! Seriously, #googlemap it! It is truly #amazing. Unfortunately, per usual, good views come at the cost of little to no cell service SOO we must #wait a day or two for pictures. In the mean time, we can look forward to hearing about their #service tomorrow and adventures #rafting the next day!

Northwest Explorer (NWX): Gearing up for #seakayaking tomorrow! Today was spent #chillaxing (chilling and relaxing) at the campground and doing a big grocery shop for their #excursions on water the next 48 hours. #yum #om-nom-nom

2014080495130303The #gals exploring town

2014080495130109The #guys exploring town!



Pacific Coast (PCA): We spoke with Matt and Jeanne earlier as they were eating snack and taking a break for lunch. Only 20 miles left to camp after lunch! Everyone is #pumped to get to #GualalaIMG_1167

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Pacific Coast (PCB): Rest day today! The hours were filled relaxing and cooking elaborate meals. Back on #saddle for Trevor and Kate’s team #mañana (and pictures, too!).

Alps Explorer (AX): Another #gorgeous hike to the Rifugio Elena in Italy! Today’s hike and the #views were more intense than the past few days, and we can’t wait for #JackandCC to find some #wifi.

America Coast to Coast (ACC1): SAAAANNN DIEEEEGGOOOO!!! They did it. They #didit! We can safely say that this gang of wild, crazy, fun, loving, tough and extraordinary teens (plus Josh and Laura) can check biking across THE ENTIRE COUNTRY OF NORTH AMERICA off the ‘ol bucket list. Some 2750ish miles later tires have been dipped into the Pacific Ocean and riding 90+miles a day will no longer be the #norm. We have been amazed by you all each and everyday and I am at a loss for words now except for to say, #congratulations!

IMG_0345“1/2 lb cinnabunzzz da best way to start the day” #winning 

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IMG_1215.JPG#didit! #ACC1:COMPLETE. It’s #official.

IMG_7752#soproud #murica #proudoffice #youreourheros#teamsocksuntiltheendScreen Shot 2014-08-04 at 6.37.26 PM

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Screen Shot 2014-08-04 at 6.37.08 PM#dreamteam #accomplished

America Coast to Coast (ACC2): All of the pictures and hashtags below were written by our beloved Ally and Sam. They are #2days away from #SanDiego!! Cruising through Cali, spirits are high and everyone is excited to get to their #laststop in just 48 hours.                                    



IMG_2580#threedays #under200miles 

IMG_2121#nofriends #whereareourfriends (#thatwasalotofvowelsinonehashtag)

Screen Shot 2014-08-04 at 12.43.01 PM#weforgotcaliforniatheotherday 

Maine Coast College Essay (MCCE): Our new residential #writers (looks like I have some competition…) wrote their first essays today, explored Freeport, and had an essay workshop with the head of Bowdoin College Admissions. That is a lot to have accomplished in one day! #killinit #writingisfun #iwouldknow #justkiddingbutnotreally

IMG_9338Essay writers working off the land! #naturepaper

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What a #greatday! I hope you are all not too #frustrated with my #excessive hashtagging. On the bright side, for those of you who didn’t know what all this “#” business was, I hope that now you do. Thank you to #ApogeeAdventures for letting me #pursuemydreams and write a blogpost entirely in Twitter/Facebook/Instagram talk #blessed #thanksaheapchad. See you #tomorrow Apogee world! #missyoualready #blog2k14 #bestmondayever #thiswasmyapogee #annikaout


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