
Day 3 – Magical Mystery Tour

EDITOR’S NOTE: Thus far, the 2012 summer blog has been ably captained by Sam Tripp, ACC ’09, Williams College rising Junior, swell fellow and music aficionado.   Your job, fair blog reader, is to decipher the theme in today’s entry — if you don’t get it by PC1A, I’m a little worried about you — and if you don’t get it by PC1B, we need to talk….   OK — without further ado — to Sam’s entry!

Across the universe we have trips cruising under the sun, either getting together and meeting for the very first time, or quickly becoming pals on the bikes.   Let’s hop right into the pictures for the day!

CI: The long and winding road was kind to the CI group today, as they cruised across the ferry all smiles and into Martha’s Vineyard quite early, getting in to camp before 3:00 PM.


VM: Our Vermonsters got started today, with the group gathering in Manchester, NH. After a quick get-to-know you game or two, they are currently driving to their destination for the night, near Dorset, VT.   It won’t be long in the van though, and they are looking forward to hitting the ground running (err, biking) tomorrow!


PC1A: Micah and McKayla led the group through some showers (are they still “showers” if they go on all day…?) today, but they are looking forward to better weather coming up.   They are still cruising and having fun despite the elements, and don’t worry — on Monday, here comes the sun.


PC1B: At a record-breaking, early-arrival time* of 7:41 AM PST, we received the following snapshot from Hannah of some smiling faces up early packing their panniers.   They look, like the other PC-ers, to be having a great time in spite of the weather, and are looking forward to a hard day’s night full of sleep.


MSA: Big Sky country did not fail to live up to its name, as proved by the snapshot sent in from Addie, featuring the group in some of the most picturesque scenery in the world.   I can only imagine a day in the life of an MSA-er: feasting their eyes on gorgeous landscapes and knowing that it gets even better in Glacier!


ACC1: Anna, Dave & Co. have reached the end (I know, that’s a stretch — I do what I can) of South Carolina, and hit their first state border! Speaking of milestones, ACC records are actually kept, and these guys had the fastest first and second days of the trip ever, as they absolutely crush their way through SC and GA.


ACC2: The other ACC trip started today, with the group exiting the airport and hitting a 100 degree wall of heat, humidity — and fun!   I’ve got a feeling they will become accustomed to it; luckily, the mercury is slated to dip over the course of the next few days! Below is a picture of their ceremonial wheel dip, decked out in Apogee gear.   Now let’s go get some, ACC2!



*Admittedly, I have only been keeping records for 2 days, but I bet this is an all-time record for the earliest blog picture received.



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