Day 3: Apogee? More like Apogeeeeesh would you look at these trips!

Day 3 of the Apogee Summer has been filled with arrivals, day hikes, games, cycling stints, camp setups, and awesome new friends. Here we go, adventurers!


Alaska Mountains & Coast (AKMC)

Today was jam-packed with awesomeness for the Alaska Mountains & Coast crew! Following the last of our arrivals yesterday, the day kicked off with a glorious morning hike featuring unrivaled Alaskan scenery – an incredible place for the AKMC folks to get to know one another. Many laughs and moments of awe were shared. After a resupply stop and a yummy camp lunch, the afternoon was dedicated to preparing to enter the backcountry TOMORROW!!! Stay tuned, exciting things ahead!

Alps Explorer A (AXA)

Our Alps Explorers shared a lovely morning in camp before hitting the hills! The beauty of Zermatt was in full force today as AXA completed their first of many stunning alpine hikes. What an incredible place to get to know each other! Laughs were shared along with MUCH anticipation for what’s to come. Sending Swiss love home from AXA!

Alps Explorer B (AXB)

The crew is all here! After a sweet first night in camp, these Alps Explorers hit the ground running (hiking) today with their first gorgeous ascent: Sunnegga! Zermatt offered an otherworldly backdrop with top notch Matterhorn views as AXB continued to connect with one another. Lots of giggling and excitement were shared. Thank you Zermatt, what an exciting taste of what’s to come! Our explorers headed back to camp for a delicious dinner, fueling up for another fun hike tomorrow!

Cape Cod & the Islands (CI)

Today’s the day! Let the Cape Cod & the Islands grand tour commence! After a lovely breakfast in camp, these intrepid bikers packed up their panniers and hit the road, learning a lot about their bikes along the way! Off to the ferry they went (photo evidence below)! Laughs, snacks, and ocean views were enjoyed by all as the crew made their way to Martha’s Vineyard by boat and hopped back on their bikes to finish the ride into camp. After a few more picturesque miles, the gang set up camp and settled in for a well deserved night of fun and rest.

Caribbean Service Puerto Rico (CSPR)

Yay, it’s arrival day!!! CSPR congregated in San Juan and set off for their new home for the next few days on the island. It was a stunning drive, and the excitement was palpable! After a yummy first dinner at their accommodations, the crew settled in for the night. The crew will be rewarded for their big day of travel with a fun day filled with service… and perhaps a trip to the beach is on the horizon! Signing off for the night, CSPR!

Caribbean Service Virgin Islands (CSVI)

It’s arrival day for the Caribbean Service crew down in St. Croix! Yahooo! After congregating at the airport, the group was stoked! What an incredible place to build connections with each other and serve the community. Once the team arrived and moved into their home for the next two weeks, they played a few get-to-know-ya games and enjoyed a yummy dinner. They’ll get some well-deserved rest tonight before their first full day in the Virgin Islands tomorrow! Stay tuned!

Colorado’s Rocky Mountains (CRM)

The time has come!!! Today was kick off day for these soon-to-be-mountaineers! The crew arrived in Denver this afternoon, and the energy was as high as the altitude: Mile High! With their travels behind them, the crew was stoked to hop in the van for a gorgeous ride to their hilltop camp. They played lots of games en route and are currently setting up camp, and getting ready for a delicious first dinner together. We can’t wait to hear all about tomorrow’s first Rocky Mountain hike!

Costa Rica Mountains & Coast (CRMC)

Here we gooo, Costa Rica Mountains & Coasters! Let the awesomeness commence! The CRMC folks arrived in San Jose ready to get after it. The crew shared introductions, played some rad get to know you games, and headed to the coast! They are currently settling into their lodge, and Alexis and Captain report that there are big smiles all around as CRMC gets ready for an awesome trip! Everyone’s excited to visit the national park tomorrow and hit the beach! Pura Vida!

Europe Coast to Coast 1 (ECC1)

It’s time, folks; get ready for some coast to coasting! The ECC1 crew assembled in Amsterdam today and got right down to business with some excellent team building and bike building. Excitement is in the air, we can feel it from Apogee HQ! Off they went to Haarlem to set up camp for a night of well-deserved rest – in fact that might be an understatement, as the crew was so tired that they were fast asleep by 8:00 (hence why our cyclists took today’s group photo from their tents…). A long night of rest will ensure that the fun keeps rolling – along with those wheels – as the group sets off on their first ride tomorrow! With love, from a very sleepy ECC1!

Golden State Adventure (GSA)

It’s arrival day in the Golden State! The GSA crew congregated in San Francisco and felt the West Coast energy flowing, setting the stage for an awesome 12 days. And then they were off! To camp they went for some sweet get-to-know-you games, a yummy dinner, and an overall giggly night. Stay tuned for scenes from tomorrow’s hike as the group puts the “Adventure” in “Golden State Adventure”!

Iceland Mountains & Coast (IMC)

It’s go time for the Iceland Mountains & Coasters! After a day of arrivals and introductions, our IMCers headed off towards camp! On the way, there was some epic mega-trampoline bouncing, a yummy lunch and a friendly game of World Cup – just the ingredients one needs to shake off the inevitable jetlag! After camp was set up it was an early bedtime for this bunch. A big day of hiking and exploration awaits them when they wake up, and we can’t wait to see and hear all about it!

Maine’s Downeast Explorer (DEX)

Our Downeast Explorers are having a BLAST as they settle in. The DEX team was ready to roll after yesterday evening’s coastal Maine views and an epic game of hacky-sack. They arrived at Acadia National Park, their home for the next few days, and hiked a trail that took them down to the coast, where they found crabs, jellyfish, mussels, and more in the tide pools! Then they explored the town of Bar Harbor, looking through the unique souvenir shops and grabbing ice cream on our way out. Yum! What a day! Soon the DEXers will catch some ZZZ’s before another awesome day tomorrow!


New England Mountains & Coast (NEMC)

Yahoooo; it’s time! New England Mountains and Coasters are rolling out! After the crew congregated and shared introductions, the gang was off to the White Mountains! The van ride showcased all of that New England beauty as games were played and laughs were had. Once they arrived, the group set up camp and shared a yummy dinner before getting some shut eye in anticipation of tomorrow’s hike!

Northwest Explorer (NWX)

Another beautiful, fun day for the NWXers! A yummy breakfast and silly morning chats set the stage for a full day ahead. First up, DAY HIKE! After the beauty of yesterday’s hike, the crew was all about it. The energy was top-notch throughout today’s gorgeous ascent, and a yummy lunch topped off the morning. The afternoon and evening were dedicated to backcountry preparations, with much anticipation for the next couple days of backcountry living! Stay tuned!


Pacific Coast (PC)

It’s Day 2 for the Pacific Coasters, but Day 1 of riding! After a fun morning in camp (featuring “a cacophony of bird calls”) and a bike safety briefing to top it off, the crew headed off with the first of many stunning miles ahead of them. After a solid morning stretch complete with some unique sand dune sightings, the group took a grocery store pit stop to load up on snacks and a yummy lunch to stay fueled and hydrated. In the afternoon the group continued to wind along the Oregon coast before arriving at their beautiful oceanside campground – not a bad place for a night of games, dinner, and sleep sponsored by a great day’s worth of pedaling, if you ask us. They’re crossing their fingers for an epic sunset on the beach tonight before heading to bed for some well-earned rest.


Pyrenees Mountains and Coast (PMC)

It’s a great day to be a Pyrenees Mountains and Coaster! The team departed from Sitges this morning, then off to the lovely town of Port de la Selva they went! They arrived at camp in time to watch a “fun thunderstorm” before orienting themselves with an afternoon of town-beach-grocery shop exploration. The evening was spent back at camp with games, a delectable Spanish dinner, and preparation for tomorrow’s hike! Stay tuned for more adventures on the Cap de Creus!


Vermont to Montreal (VM)

It’s arrival day for the Vermont to Montreal squad and they are off to the races! The group gathered outside of Boston with some fun introductions and team building. The stoke was high as these VMers hopped in the van and headed up to southern Vermont, the starting point for their cycling expedition. Camp was set up (cozy), dinner was consumed (yum) and laughs were had by all (yay). Keep an eye out for all that these cyclists will get up to! It’s going to be a great 11 days!