Day 21: Alliteration Allows Levity!

By Shem Dixon

Hope you like it!

CI:  This cute kids’ company continues to caper clear ’round the Cape!

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NEMC:  Nascent nuclear friendships near newfound heights!  NEMC summitted Mt. Washington today!


VM:  Verily we vie for visions via Vermont, validating our view of the value of venturous vocations!

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CMC:  Coastal Cali cruisin’, claiming crepuscular colors and close clinging coasts as our companions!

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CSA:  This classy crew completed cooperative service at a small shade coffee plantation this morning.  Commutes for the coast commence tomorrow.

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CQA & CQB:  Quintessential Quebec quakes and quivers our deep-seated quicks!  CQ A & B are spending their first night getting to know each other in cozy indoor abodes in Brunswick or Freeport.  First riding pictures tomorrow!

DEX:  Despite drizzle and deluge, DEX drivers (Erin & Marino) discover dear new disciples!  Downeast-bound, expect details and depictions tomorrow!

MSA:  Myriad moments, monumental and minute, make many Montana memories!

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NWX:  Northwest nomads nosed near Needles (The Space Needle), neighborhood markets (Pikes Place Market), and noshed on nom-noms (dinner and ice cream)!


One of these things is not like the other… Big John is short?!


PCA:  Pacific peddlers of the potency of pedal power prove powerful purveyors of prodigious post-trip appetites!

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PCB:  Pre-dawn wake-ups portend poor picture presentation!

AX:  Alpine adventurers alleviate adieus with adorable albums of affectionate activities!


ECCA:  Euro-lopers United report eucrasia and eudaemonia!  Mia might say: “Great day in Strasbourg, ate lunch at an open air market, wandered to the cathedral, got some gelato, and then headed back to camp to play frisbee in the field.”

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Burritos for Breakfast?


According to Mia, this cathedral is the tallest still-standing building built entirely in the Middle Ages.

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ECCB:  Egads!  Cell service eludes Extreme European Explorers from exchanging exposures.

ACC1:  Adventures abound, as our ACC-ers adeptly amass miles!


Last night’s dinner at a lovely Mexican restaurant.


Rocking some amazing bandannas made by apogee alum Zoe Thompson!

IMG_7002I want You! To ride with Apogee!


ACC2:  Additionally, ACC2 accumulates acres and acres of miles, and accoutrements!


IMG_2805.JPGChillin’ out in Texas.  Note the means of mobile misting.

IMG_2800Beautiful morning ride!