Day 19: You Say Goodbye, and I Say Hello

So many trips are beginning, and yet with so many trips coming to an end, these are bittersweet times in the Apogee office! We love seeing all the fresh faces on the blog as new trips start entering the field. At the same time, we’re savoring our last glimpses at those that are in their final days! No matter which day it is on any given Apogee trip, we know that every day is filled with laughter, fun, and adventure. Read on to find out what happened out in the Apogee world today!

Be sure to check out our Instagram for more!


Alaska Mountains & Coast (AKMC)

AKMC kicked off their first full day together with a stunning day hike to get their legs moving! After crushing some miles and getting in some great views earlier today, AKMC will spend the evening preparing for their foray into the backcountry! With bags packed and stomachs full of good food, we know that the crew will rest easy tonight in anticipation of their backcountry adventure!



Alps Explorer A (AXA)

It was the last day of the Tour du Mont Blanc for AX1A! Before stopping at the pink church, which is where every Alps Explorer trip starts and ends the TMB, the group’s farewell to the trail was made even sweeter by a visit from a cow friend. After bidding au revoir to the TMB, the group traveled to Geneva, where they will spend their final full day together exploring and celebrating! We couldn’t think of a better way to be welcomed to the city than a rainbow overlooking Lake Geneva!






Alps Explorer B (AXB)

After a night of “cowboy camping” under the stars, AX1B had a leisurely morning filled with equal parts gear packing and games. Today was leader Megan’s birthday, so they celebrated with balloons, confetti, and “extra silliness”! They took the train to Geneva and got to see a bit of the town before enjoying a delicious pizza dinner. Now that the crew has tried pizza in all three of the countries they visited, the votes are in. Unsurprisingly, the group decided that Italy had the best pizza. They’re sad to leave the trails but excited to explore the city more together tomorrow!


Cape Cod & the Islands (CI)

CI bid the islands goodbye this morning and headed back to Cape Cod. They enjoyed a ferry ride from Martha’s Vineyard back to the mainland, where they crushed one of their biggest days of mileage! Back in camp, they played games, worked on their bikes, and ate a delicious dinner. With a rewarding day on their bikes behind them and an exciting water adventure on the horizon tomorrow, we know this crew of bikers will sleep well tonight!

Caribbean Service Puerto Rico (CSPR)

The CSPR team started off their first day of service on a farm in Cabo Rojo, where they helped with weeding and even harvested a few turnips! They were sent home with a few sweet peppers, carrots, and green onions from the farm that they will use in their meals over the next few days! The crew then enjoyed an oceanside hike to a lighthouse and topped it off with a swim. We can practically feel the pristine, cool Puerto Rican water from here… but it’s not like we’re jealous or anything!



Caribbean Service Virgin Islands (CSVI)

The CSVI crew jumped into their first full day in St. Croix with an orientation and walk at the eco lodge that they will be staying at for the duration of the trip. They followed up with a nearby hike and a trip to Sprat Hall Beach! We hope the water was as beautiful in person as it is in the picture!



Colorado’s Rocky Mountains (CRM)

Lake day means bagels with sprinkles for breakfast over at the CRM camp! Why is it called lake day? Only because this crew of adventurers passed not one, not two, or even three… but FIVE lakes on their hike today. These pictures attest to a beautiful hike and an awesome time. We can hear the laughter through our screen!




Costa Rica Mountains & Coast (CRMC)

CRMC had what sounds like an amazing first full day in Costa Rica. They toured around Manuel Antonio National Park, where they enjoyed some spectacular wildlife sightings. They also played soccer, cards, and more get to know you games, rounding out their fun day with a swim! It seems like every day in Costa Rica just gets better and better because the group is looking forward to their ziplining adventure tomorrow!



Europe Coast to Coast 1 (ECC1)

ECC1 had a well-deserved rest day today after crossing into Germany yesterday. They got a glance around the beautiful and historic town of Schiltach, stocked up on groceries, and did some bike maintenance. They’ll be well-rested before they ride through Germany’s famed Black Forest tomorrow! To cap off their day of rest, they met up with ECC2 in camp for a pizza party! Double the ECC, double the fun!

Europe Coast to Coast 2 (ECC2)

ECC2 had a lovely bike ride this morning out of France before linking up with ECC1 in Germany, marking their entrance into their FOURTH country! After playing in the river, they settled down at camp for a pizza dinner with the other half of the ECC crew.





Golden State Adventure (GSA)

The GSA crew began their adventure around California today with a remarkable hike around the stunning Point Reyes National Seashore. Gentle ocean breezes greeted the group as they made their way through the trail. Back in camp, they enjoyed dinner together and shared many laughs! We’re sure they’ll sleep well tonight, snuggled in their sleeping bags after the day’s rewarding first hike and listening to the waves lapping against the shore not too far in the distance.



Iceland Mountains & Coast (IMC)

Today IMC took a beautiful bus ride up to Grundafjordur and saw Icelandic horses, cows, sheep, and the group favorite: roundabouts! After setting up camp, they took a short hike to the Grundarfoss waterfall and saw beautiful views of Mount Kirkjufell along the way. In the afternoon, they took a trip up to see their personal campground waterfall because who wants to share a waterfall? Life in Iceland is hard… *sigh* The group also enjoyed a fun trip to the grocery store and a chili dinner before going to bed, dreaming of their upcoming kayaking excursion!




Maine Coast Junior (MCJ)

We only have one thing to say about Maine Coast Junior today: WOW! In addition to some a sunrise atop Cadillac Mountain, some incredible views and casual rock climbing, the crew also got in a swim and a silly game involving trying to get an Oreo into your mouth without your hands (we have many questions). They enjoyed a beautiful sunset, too!






Maine’s Downeast Explorer (DEX)

We couldn’t think of a better way to start off Maine’s Downeast Explorer than with a beautiful hike around Acadia National Park! They packed up and headed out of their first campsite this morning and made their way to Acadia, their home for the next few days. A refreshing swim at their campsite was in order after the day’s hike. We can’t wait to see what is in store for them over the next two weeks if the views continue to be even half as beautiful as today’s!





New England Mountains & Coast (NEMC)

The NEMC crew started off their last full day together with service this morning at a Maine farm. Then, they headed into Portland for an afternoon of exploration! They capped off their day with a delicious final dinner (and dessert, of course!), where the group reflected on their adventure together. We’re sure there was a lot of laughter and smiles across everyone’s faces as they shared their favorite memories from the past nine days!

Northwest Explorer (NWX)

The last full day of Northwest Explorer called for a game of ultimate frisbee on the beach this morning before heading into Seattle, where they visited the flagship REI! After their fun day of exploration, the group enjoyed one last dinner together, where they reflected on the awesome things they did over the last three weeks and soaked up their last moments together.


Pacific Coast (PC)

It was a bittersweet day indeed for our Pacific Coast crew, who enjoyed their final day of riding. Not to fear, all their effort these past few weeks was rewarded by what was surely one of the coolest parts of the trip; biking across the Golden Gate Bridge! The team will sleep well tonight with the satisfaction of finishing their coastal adventure. Tomorrow, they’ll get to explore San Francisco as one final celebration for their hard work!





Pyrenees Mountains and Coast (PMC)

The PMC team made their way to Port de la Selva today, which will be their base camp for the next few days as they set off on some hikes that are sure to be nothing but stunning! Once settled at their new home base, they explored the nearby town, ate a delicious lunch, and stocked up on some groceries. Looks like they tried their hand at gymnastics, too! The Pyrenees crew may be well on their way to winning the superlative of most acrobatic group photo. We’re excited to see pictures from their first hike in Spain tomorrow!


Vermont to Montreal (VM)

Vermont to Montreal had a stellar first ride today! They crushed their first hills and passed through a classic, quaint Vermont town, where they ate lunch and stocked up on groceries. After arriving at camp, they enjoyed the playground and cooked up a delicious dinner. We hope they go to bed tonight as excited as we are for their second day of biking tomorrow!