
Day 17: Sad Farewells and Hopeful Hellos

By: Annika Nygren

Day 17: Out with the old and in with the new! I’m just kidding CQ A&B and DEX, but unfortunately we do have to say goodbye to you all today. In attempts to fill these three voids, we now have VM, CSA AND CMC back on the grid! Woohoo! And we can’t forget our lovely PCers, NWXers, MSAers, AXers, ECCers and ACCers… let’s go see what everyone is up to, shall we?

Cape Cod and the Islands (CI): Day one down and onto the ferry! Emily and Will’s crew took a ferry this morning to Massachusetts’ biggest island, Martha’s Vineyard, and are spending the day at the beach! Looks like a PERFECT day out!


IMG_3770 Fun fact! My sister is sailing in the regatta going on in the background of this photo!


New England Mountains and Coast (NEMC): Matt and Midge gathered their group yesterday and headed straight for New Hampshire. The team woke up early this morning for a high ropes course at the Browne Center! Already building group skills..?! The White Mountains won’t know what hit them.


IMG_2518Yesterday’s first group shot in front of the van!

Vermont to Montreal (VM): Trip start! Abby and Reuben are off to Manchester and so ready to meet their second round of Vermonsters! Here they are playing name games before the shuttle over to southern Vermont.IMG_0448

California Mountains and Coast (CMC): Trip start! Trip start! Emma and Dylan have been gathering kiddos at the airport all morning and their last member won’t be in until a little later so here is everyone minus the very laaaast arrival! Tomorrow begins their three-day sea kayaking adventure!Screen Shot 2014-07-12 at 4.15.56 PM

Caribbean Service Adventure (CSA): Trip start! Trip start! Trip start! The gang (minus two late arrivals – can’t wait to see you, girls!) is all together in Puerto Rico and leaders Lucy and Will couldn’t be more ready for them. On the docket for tomorrow? Some service and swimming!

Screen Shot 2014-07-12 at 4.22.00 PMThe gang’s all here!

Coast to Quebec (CQA): Trip end! Crazy to think Mary and Mike’s group started all the way in Freeport and in just two weeks biked all the way to Quebec! Congratulations, guys! You are all rockstars.239-MMS-1405162991-attachment1-IMAG0097


Coast to Quebec (CQB): Trip end! Back in the US of A and a lunch picture to prove it. Goodbyes were said in Freeport just a few hours ago and we will be sad to see Pete and Sherry’s group go. Congratulations again on a huge accomplishment!Screen Shot 2014-07-12 at 12.49.02 PM

Maine’s Downeast Explorer (DEX): Trip end! What a DEXtraordinary bunch. Erin and Marino’s bunch have sadly already parted ways. Dinner in Portland last night was delicious and the group enjoyed touring around Freeport this morning and checking out L.L. Bean’s home base. That’s a big boot!IMG_4682


Celebratory sparklers last night in honor of a very successful trip!

Montana Service Adventure (MSA): Hannah and Opie’s group are still dreaming about yesterdays ride up and over the Continental Divide on the “Going to the Sun” road, but they are multi-tasking with service work in West Glacier National Park.IMG_9919



IMG_0565All suited up, ready to paint!

Northwest Explorer (NWX): Day one of sea kayaking is in the books and Izzy and John’s group is looking forward to another full day on the water tomorrow! Before getting on the water they had already seen a bald eagle!! 20140712_115515Ready to ‘yak!

Pacific Coast (PCA): Beautiful ride today for Matt and Jeanne’s crew… it’s hard to believe they’re only two days away from reaching San Francisco after just two weeks! Unfortunately, no wifi today, but we are looking forward to hearing from these guys tomorrow.

Pacific Coast (PCB): Morning yoga was led yesterday by our mountain man leader Trevor. Sounds like a perfect way to get in the zone for the {longest} hill. V-I-C-T-O-R-Y!IMG_9518



Alps Explorer (AX): And the best blog photos, per usual, go to Jack and CC! I guess it’s pretty hard for this not to be the case when one is hiking through one of the most beautiful places in the world… we are all so jealous! Happy hiking, friends! Also, helllllloooo again, Switzerland!IMG_7158






Europe Coast to Coast (ECCA): Mia and Jeremy’s group had a lovely ride into the lovely town of Bar-le-Duc today and are now happily tucked in under the shadow of one of the towns several chateaus. No wi-fi today but we are hoping for some tomorrow!

Europe Coast to Coast (ECCB): Nice day for a ride through the heart of the Champagne region. Here are some more pictures from Paris and the rain-less day today – wooohooo for rainless!Screen Shot 2014-07-11 at 3.30.47 PMWell – that’s a cool spot!


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America Coast to Coast (ACC1): Howdy Texas! Loooonnng ride today but Josh and Laura’s group are safely in Paris.  Paris, Texas, that is…  Five states down – WOOT!Screen Shot 2014-07-12 at 10.19.47 AM

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America Coast to Coast (ACC2): “1,000 miles down and relaxing at the Walls’ with some good eats and great company”- Sam and Ally. These rockstars are gearing up to get back on their bikes tomorrow! Enjoy this heavenly rest stop while it lasts, folks.


What a super Saturday! And now it is time for me to go home and welcome the leaders who just finished their first round of trips back into our lovely home on the Bowdoin campus. See you tomorrow, Apo-world!!

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