Day 11: An Im-PASTA-bly Good Time

Happy National Macaroni Day! With all the shapes of pasta in the world (there’s over 500) there’s bound to be one that’s right for you. Just like there’s an Apogee trip for you! As such, we figured we would assign each trip a pasta shape. We’ve decided the office’s pasta is the alphabet noodles you use to make alphabet soup. How else would we write the blog?

Be sure to check out our Instagram for more!


Alaska Mountains & Coast (AKMC)


In the wide open spaces of Alaska, our AKMC crew has witnessed some absolutely incredible scenery, like the glacier that they explored today! If that wasn’t cool enough (haha, cool, get it?), they also got to do some ice climbing! And, at night, they saw some even more impeccable stars! We think this crew is made up of stars (look at these pictures!!) and so, their pasta is pastina, little stars.


Alps Explorer A (AXA)


One iconic part of the Alps is the cows and the bells they wear. After a morning hike up to Col de Voza (that was only a little muddy), the AXA crew had a welcoming party of cows at the top of the hike. The bells surely were ringing, thus we’ve decided that their pasta is the bell-shaped Campanelle.



Alps Explorer B (AXB)


Yesterday, the group summited the Croix du Bonhomme (in microspiked style). They enjoyed amazing views at the top after crushing a steep series of ascents that crossed Roman roads, fields of snow, and sightings of marmot and ibex. Last night, they munched on local pizza and a lovely PENNE pasta dinner. To cap it all off, they were treated to watching the evening’s (and this morning’s) shepherding in action, right past their tents! 

It was a big day today for the AXB crew! They kicked off their day with a tour of a “quaint little cheese farm,” then ate the “best cheese in France.” They crossed over the Italian border and said au revoir to their French guide, Elie. They’re looking forward to their rest day tomorrow!






Cape Cod & the Islands (CI)


We are saying goodbye to our lovely Cape Cod and the Islands crew this morning! We will miss them dearly and are so excited to see the paths their wagons follow. Fitting in with their song of choice from yesterday, CI’s pasta shape is Ruote pasta, which resembles wagon wheels.

Caribbean Service Puerto Rico (CSPR)


What a day for CSPR! They started the day off by working on a farm in Cabo Rojo. They helped with weeding and learned about using the contours of the land for irrigation. A fitting pasta for this team would therefore be manicotti, for it too typically contains many ridges, from where delicious sauces may also irrigate. After a fun and fulfilling morning, the crew capped it off with a hike to a beach! They’ll eat well and rest up tonight before a fun day of surfing tomorrow!



Caribbean Service Virgin Islands (CSVI)

Acini Di Pepe

An early morning sunrise viewing at Point Udall (the easternmost point in the US) was in the cards for the CSVI group today, filled with good vibes and good weather! After a yummy breakfast, the group headed on a hike to the beach at Isaac’s Bay! We’ve chosen their pasta shape to be Acini Di Pepe, representing the small sand grains found by the water. The group is cozied up in camp now dreaming about tomorrow’s service day with sea turtles!



Colorado’s Rocky Mountains (CRM)


We said “so long, partners” to our Colorado’s Rocky Mountains team today. This crew had no shortage of good times and were always known to slather on the fun. Pappardelle is a pasta made for sauces, and this crew was known for piling the good vibes high.

Costa Rica Mountains & Coast (CRMC)


After an awesome night of tortilla-making, the Costa Rica Mountains & Coast crew said goodbye this morning to the eco lodge that was their home for the past few days. They journeyed to a beautiful coastal beach town, where they dipped in the pool and enjoyed a delicious dinner! In anticipation of their surfing adventure tomorrow, we selected mafaldine as their pasta, which resembles the waves that they’ll be riding tomorrow! We hope CRMC is as excited as we are!


Europe Coast to Coast 1 (ECC1)


ECC1 had a big mileage day today, and what better way to recover than to eat a plate of stuffed pasta? For them, we are picking ravioli. It’s got a lot of substance and is sure to fuel you and your soul for the next day out on the roads. ECC1 headed out of Laon bright and early today and enjoyed some beautiful views along their ride! Sad for us but good for them that they were having so much fun crushing their ride today and enjoying said views that they forgot to send their pictures back to us in the office! Until tomorrow, ECC1!

Europe Coast to Coast 2 (ECC2)


If another group were to be a filled pasta, it would be ECC2. They also crushed it today on their journey through France, and while tortellini is an Italian-sounding pasta, the comforting nature of the pasta brings people together across nations. It’s also a great way to get energy up for another big day tomorrow!


Golden State Adventure (GSA)


GSA enjoyed a day at the beach today, and what better pasta for a day at the beach than conchiglie – this distinctive shell shape is full of fun, just like GSA! After surf lessons this morning, they spent time relaxing on the beach and exploring Santa Cruz.



Iceland Mountains & Coast (IMC)


The shape of Gemelli pasta can be described as “unicorn horns,” which is fitting given the almost mythical landscape of Iceland! The crew crushed their challenge hike up incredible Mt. Kristinartindar today, where they saw glaciers, waterfalls, and beautiful views! Given these photos, we almost wouldn’t be surprised if there was a unicorn in the background.



Maine Coast College Essay (MCCE)


MCCE came to a close this morning, after a wonderful week of beautiful weather along the Maine coast. Last night, the group gathered to share their essays, with ideas and tales intertwining like strands of linguine, each unique yet connected. The friendships, laughter, and awesome experiences throughout the trip created lifelong connections, and students learned more about themselves.


Maine’s Downeast Explorer (DEX)


The DEXers are in transit today! They packed up camp after a leisurely morning and headed to Stonington. The group took the afternoon to prep for their big kayak adventure tomorrow and cooked up a scrumptious dinner! We consider their pasta shape to be Cavatappi: a macaroni-shaped corkscrew. These rugged travelers have been here, there, and everywhere hiking mountains and swimming in the backcountry! We can’t wait to hear about their next stories!



New England Mountains & Coast (NEMC)


Our New England Mountains & Coast crew said their goodbyes this morning as students departed on their merry ways. Like a plate of spaghetti, these students have formed bonds of a lifetime connected through the twists and turns of their time in New England. By hiking, paddling, and having an all-around blast, the strands of the long noodles connect one another, no matter how far apart they are.

Northwest Explorer (NWX)


A nice representation of our NWX crew on day three of their backcountry trip is Fusilli. This pasta is a rugged and hearty spiralized macaroni that represents the twists and turns of North Cascades National Park. This group is crushing it out there! We hope they’re cooking up some yummy pasta in the backcountry! We here at the office are eagerly awaiting photos from their adventures when they return!

Pacific Coast (PC)


Day 10 of PC! Time keeps on spinning, and so do the wheels of the Pacific Coast cyclists! Wheels that are a whole lot like Rotelle pasta. Today, their wheels are actually getting a rest from spinning as this group enjoyed a day off the bikes. It wouldn’t be a proper trip through California without catching some waves! The PC crew enjoyed some adventures off the road and into the ocean with a surf lesson from Cal Poly Humboldt’s Center Activities. After arriving at beautiful Moonstone Beach, where the forest meets the sea, the crew wrestled their way into some wet suits and got some tips on surfing from their wonderful guides. Then they were into the water and working on their skills! After some time feeling out the ways of the water, students had taken to it quite quickly, and some proper waves were caught by the end of the day! As their radical day (a bit of surfer lingo for you there) comes to an end, the crew prepares for a day of riding tomorrow down to the Avenue of the Giants!

Pyrenees Mountains and Coast (PMC)


Our intrepid Pyrenees Mountains and Coast crew completed the Carros de Foc today! They celebrated with gelato in Espot before their pasta dinner. Hoping for their sake their pasta is Fideo, a traditional Spanish noodle shape. They’ve seen absolutely incredible sights today, putting a cap on the “mountains” designation of the trip. This is the last night in the field, as this tight-knit group is heading back to Barcelona tomorrow.




Vermont to Montreal (VM)


The Vermont to Montreal bike team pedaled their way to the charming city of Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu. Throughout the ride they enjoyed the scenic beauty of the farmland and the flat, smooth roads. One might consider this ride similar to fettuccine: a long, flat, wide noodle that pairs well with alfredo sauce for a rich and hearty meal! The group was off to an early start and made it to the campground with plenty of time for splashing around! We can’t wait to see how they kill it tomorrow heading into Montreal!