
Day 10: Eclectic yet Exciting Happenings!

By: Annika Nygren

Day 10: Hello good people of the Apogee World! Today we have a lot of big and exciting things happening! We’re talking a new state, a new country, gorgeous terrains, multiple birthdays, ferry rides, music videos, dinosaur crossings, annnd even some rain-wiping sunglasses. Without further ado, I say we go check out where all of these happenings occurred!

Cape Cod and the Islands (CI): These CapeCoders are leaving the beaches and “shipping up to Boston” via a ferry ride this afternoon, but not before a stop in Provincetown! A full day in Beantown is on the schedule for tomorrow.IMG_6641


IMG_3724Fluff!! A personal lunchtime favorite.

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 A belated Fourth of July Celebration with some red-white-and-blue popsicles.

New England Mountains and Coast (NEMC): This crowd came to our neck of the woods today! After a night indoors, a pancake breakfast, lunch on the Brunswick town green, Midge and Matt’s group is getting ready for kayaking tomorrow!


Perfect afternoon for some frisbee on the town green.

Vermont to Montreal (VM): A nice, relaxing riding through Canada for Abby and Reuben’s group today! We’re not sure if it’s something with the Canadian wifi or cell service, but unfortunately Abby’s pictures won’t come through. We hope to get all of their photos from today and more from tomorrow up on the blog mañana.

California Mountains and Coast (CMC): Last day in the backcountry! Must have felt nice to have lighter packs throughout the last stretch in Yosemite. Unfortunately backcountry adventures typically hinder our leader’s ability to send photos so we are looking forward to a bunch of pictures from Emma and Dylan tomorrow as they reenter civilization!

Caribbean Service Adventure (CSA): Big transition day today! These guys ferried to the gorgeous island of Vieques. In addition, leader Will turned 22!  While waiting for the ferry, these tropical beach goers began making a music video to their version of “Waiting On the World to Change.” Will sang in an acapella group at Hamilton, so this must be a part of his special birthday treat!IMG_8788

I spy no burns! Way to lather on SPF relentlessly team.

Coast to Quebec (CQA): A hilly but rewarding ride today for Mary and Mike’s crowd. Potential moose spotting and the possibility of a swim in Moosehead Lake later!  Lots of rain for these guys unfortunately this morning (making picture taking difficult), so they shared some pics from yesterday at the laundromat and from the road. IMAG0048

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Coast to Quebec (CQB): Pete and Sherry’s group faced some rain this morning as well, but otherwise enjoyed a relatively comfortable day of riding.  A refreshing laundry excursion is planned for this afternoon/tonight! IMG_6760


 Those glasses, or should I say gadgets, not only have LED lights, but an additional windshield-wiper function! Both fashionable and functional, a must-have this summer season!

Maine’s Downeast Explorer (DEX): Appalachian Trail hiking starts tomorrow! Due to some persistent rain we have made arrangements for Erin and Marino’s crowd to sleep indoors one more night. In the mean time they have been exploring Bar Harbor and Erin snapped this selfie. Movies and pizza on the way tonight! Screen Shot 2014-07-05 at 3.09.08 PM

Please note our photographer, Garret, smiling in the back left. Looks like he is pretty excited to be in front of the camera lens for once!

Montana Service Adventure (MSA): Another day on the plains for Hannah and Opie’s group. Todays ride involved a lot of open fields and a stop next to the town’s dinosaur museum.IMG_4737.JPG



I didn’t see a ‘dinosaur crossing’ sign anywhere…

Northwest Explorer (NWX): Pre- Backcountry breakfast! These guys are fueled up to spend four (yep you read that right, FOUR) nights in the backcountry.  Pictures from these guys may be hard to come by for the next few days, but please bear (pun intended… DON’T worry they’re safe from real bears) with us.  We will definitely put images up as soon as we receive them!20140705_091041


Pacific Coast (PCA): Nice ride today into Eureka, where Matt and Jeanne’s crew will be hanging out and having a well-deserved rest day tomorrow! A birthday bagel was also enjoyed this morning before they loaded up to head south.

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Pacific Coast (PC2): Redwoods ridin’! As you can imagine from the pictures above, it is hard to get strong cell service in those trees. As of posting time, Trevor, Kate & crew had been unable to send us a picture.  We’ll post whatever they’re able to send tonight.  And if nothing comes through, we’ll make sure to post multiple pics tomorrow.

Alps Explorer (AX): Pictures! Their hike today took them through the traditional last day of the TMB so CC and Jack’s group saw some very tired, but happy people in celebratory moods!  Here are some shots from the last couple of days.



“Candid” of the girls.




Europe Coast to Coast (ECCA): Bonjour, France! A new day and a new country. These guys have already eaten their first authentic french baguettes and are sleeping in the shade of a chateau tonight! oh la la! They are safely into camp and frantically searching for wifi but have had no luck. Pictures tomorrow!

Europe Coast to Coast (ECCB): Mmmm lunch in Brugge, Belgium. A beautiful town for lunch, but it unfortunately did not have beautiful Wifi coverage. Just like the other ECC group, Nick and Christine are hoping to get us some pictures tomorrow!

America Coast to Coast (ACC1): Up before the sun and done with their mileage before lunch! They had a fun lunch stop at the “Piggly Wiggly” Grocery Store and are looking forward to crossing into Mississippi tomorrow!Screen Shot 2014-07-05 at 3.00.23 PM


Front pod hit the 69 mile more at 11:59 today. Cruiiiiising. They make this look easy.

America Coast to Coast (ACC2): Big day today! State line crossing (can you sing “Sweeeet home Alabama! Where the skies are so blue!”), new time zone, a birthday and TWO (that’s right, two) home cooked meals by some of our friendly and gracious southern ACC contacts! Gotta love that southern hospitality.



Yay! A shot with both of our leaders and the all of the group members! Double score!

Wow! That was a lot.  For those trips where we didn’t post pictures today, we’re hoping for better wifi connections tomorrow. It’s hard to believe our first round of trips start finishing on Monday!

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