Day 14: Fun Fact: We Love Apogee Summers!

Wow, folks, we have made it to Day 14. And just like that, we are two weeks into our Apogee summer! Today was a day full of adventure and exploration (and unfortunately some goodbyes)! To commemorate the first two weeks of our Apogee summer, we will share fun facts for each trip. Fun Fact: Apogee… Read more »

Day 13 – Updates from The Apogee Mouse Clubhouse!

Disney films…a part of all of our childhoods (and adulthoods!). Filled with whimsy, adventure, and magic, we felt there was no better way to describe our Apogee trips than through these timeless tales. Here at the office, we like to think of ourselves as Inside Out, the ‘top-secret’ headquarters that makes the Apogee blog brain… Read more »

Day 12: Haikus and Adventures Galore!

Good evening from Apogee! What better way to celebrate today’s incredible round of trip adventures than through…poetry! We’ve taken a liking to haikus here in the office and tried our hand at sharing the day’s events with a whole slew of 5-7-5s! Be sure to check out our Instagram for more! Skip to a Specific… Read more »

Day 11: An Im-PASTA-bly Good Time

Happy National Macaroni Day! With all the shapes of pasta in the world (there’s over 500) there’s bound to be one that’s right for you. Just like there’s an Apogee trip for you! As such, we figured we would assign each trip a pasta shape. We’ve decided the office’s pasta is the alphabet noodles you… Read more »