Day 22: What a Beautiful View!

By: Olivia Box We’ve got quite the collection of stories and photos for our faithful readers today! On this day, there are only two West Coast trips running, as many wrapped up yesterday. Never fear, we have plenty to report from California, the Northeast, down south in Texas, and across the pond in Europe. Today’s… Read more »

Day 20: There and Back Again, Or, An Apogee Tale

by Ezra Ward-Packard Hello everybody! My name is Ezra Ward-Packard and I have the privilege to be guest writing today’s blog (for the first time) while your regular word jockey, Will Vietze, is scampering around Acadia National Park with MCJ2. Today, like all days, is a big day in Apo-world! Two of our Maine-based trips… Read more »

Day 19: Destination Driven

by Olivia Box Every trip we have is in the field today except Coast to Quebec and Maine Coast Photo – so needless to say it’s a busy one! Many of our trips have made it to final destinations such as Geneva, San Francisco, Edinburgh, and Seattle. Regardless of where our trips are in their… Read more »