Day 29: Whimsical Words and Wonders

By Willard Thomas Vietze Despite some dreary weather, today was a particularly fun day in the office. Several leaders are back in Brunswick and have many a tale to tell and photo to share. While we love seeing what everybody is doing in the field, it’s always great to hear about our trips straight from… Read more »

Day 27: The Circle of Apogee Life

By: Kelly McGinty The circle of (Apogee) life was in full swing today, with one trip starting, others diving into their first full day of activity, and a few putting the finishing touches on what has been many days of adventure. We’re overjoyed to say hello to the new faces, thrilled to see photos of… Read more »

Day 26: Eye of the Tiger

By: Jack Messerly Rising up, back on the street. Did my time, took my chances. Believe it or not, after 25 days of blog posts, we sometimes have to get creative when it comes to the blog’s theme. Went the distance, now I’m back on my feet. Just a [group] and [their] will to survive. Fortunately,… Read more »

Day 23: Sights to See!

By: Kelly McGinty Well, folks, it’s been another busy day all over the Apogee world! Groups have trekked through the back country, snapped photos of Maine’s beauty, and given back to the communities they’re exploring. While some hugged and waved goodbye, others kayaked along the coast, and one group even biked through – yes, through!… Read more »