Day 37: Over the River and Through the Woods

We, here in the Apogee office, can hardly believe that the days of August are already ticking by! Not only that, but our fourth round of trips have either begun or are just around the corner. While many memories have been made over the last month and a half – oceanic miles kayaked, essays written,… Read more »

Day 36: August Anthem?

Skip to a Specific Trip: MCJ, CI, NEMCA, NEMCB, CRMA, CRMB, CS, MCCE, MCP, MFT, DEXA, DEXB, VMA, VMB, CRLS, CRMC, CMCA, CMCB, NWXA, NWXB, PCA, PCB, PMC, SH, AXA, AXB, ECC, ACC1, ACC2 By: Red Giuliano Today’s blog post is titled “August Anthem?” because this morning we asked all our trips to submit a song that was keeping them going. Some sent me pictures but ignored my… Read more »

Day 35: An August Day

August. Called by many the last month of the summer. Named after a Roman emperor considered by some historians its greatest. Represented in the Zodiac by the signs of Leo and Virgo. Celebrated in the Apogee annual cycle for its successful conclusions, newfound friendships and confidences, and joyous reunions. Today marks seven days remaining for… Read more »

Day 34: Overheard at Camp

As you all know at this point, every summer, after two weeks of intense training, we send our Apogee leaders out into the world and across the globe to lead their trips – bye bye, adios, au revoir, arrivederci, see ya! In co-leader pairs, they embark on their journeys, far and away. They meet their… Read more »