Day 28: Feelin’ Great!

Well, hello there! Welcome to the latest (and greatest? We’ll let you decide…) edition of the blog. Whether you’ve stumbled upon this by happenstance, or have been refreshing the page for the last hour in hopes the post would be live, there’s something for you below – as long as you like one of three… Read more »

Day 27: I’ve Got Sunshine on a Cloudy Day

Rain, rain go away! That was the motto here at Apogee Headquarters in Brunswick, Maine, earlier today. And lo! Ask and ye shall receive! Our morning rain gave way to a pleasant afternoon and evening, much like, it seems, many of our groups experienced across the world. Skip to a Specific Trip: MCJ, CI, NEMC,… Read more »

Day 26: They’re Out There

They’re out there indeed! Today is a very exciting day as we have EVERY SINGLE one of trips accounted for in the field today. This has to be some sort of record! Our America Coast to Coast group also happens to find themselves in Roswell, NM, today. Read into that and our title whatever you… Read more »

Day 25: The Weekend Will Never End!

Today is a fabulous day. Not only is it Sunday, the universal day of relaxation and fun, but we also had SIX trip starts! Six groups of awesome, fun loving people met up today around the world and started their journey to becoming to best of friends. Our 15 other trips did some pretty amazing… Read more »