Day 45: Celebrations and Bittersweet Farewells!

Today was filled with two things: celebrations and heartfelt goodbyes. With all but two groups wrapping up today, there were a lot of hugs, shared contact info, and bittersweet tears. However, two of our groups are putting the finishing touches on Apogee 2019 in style, enjoy their final day together with a celebratory meal and… Read more »

Day 44: Fun Fact Friday!

It’s Friday, folks, and what better way to help us get through that final push to the weekend than with some fun facts? For many of our groups it is their last full day together (my, how the time flies!) and that means returning from the wilderness and exploring some pretty cool places! Let’s dive… Read more »

Day 43: Haiku Day!

They say pictures are worth a thousand words, but sometimes a thousand words just don’t quite cut it…sometimes it takes an additional seventeen syllables to really capture the essence of a trip. It’s day 43 in APO-land and what better way to sum up all of the amazing things that our groups accomplished today than… Read more »