Day 5:…7…5…Do I sense a Haiku approaching?

A swell adventure awaits all Apogee kids. Lean in and enjoy! Welcome to Vermont & Lake Champlain Groups A and B and to America Coast to Coast Group 2! As day 5 comes to an end, it’s humbling to think about where everyone in the Apogee family is at the moment. Just a couple days… Read more »

Day 2: How Do You Do?

Smiles, hellos, and trip starts, oh my! Today, more of our fearless leaders and intrepid students welcomed the dawn of another Apogee summer as seven more trips set off this afternoon. Celebrating the start of these seven amazing Apogee Adventures has left us grateful for all who had a hand in making Summer 2021 a… Read more »

Day 1: Welcome Back!

Apogee’s daily summer blog is live once again! After a longer than usual hiatus (for reasons that we’re all probably done with talking about by now), we’re back online, and much more importantly, back in the field. A hearty welcome to all! Whether by fortune or foresight, we have a very measured restart, with just… Read more »

Day 46: See you in 2020!

Hello? Hello? Is this thing on…? Anyone out there? Considering that all students are back home, odds are slim that we’ve got our usual million+ blog viewers tuning tonight, but for the fair few who have made it to the very end, welcome! We couldn’t leave you hanging, so enjoy the final few photos of… Read more »