Day 23: H.A.G.S – Have a Great Summer!

I cannot believe we have FIVE trips ending today – time flies when you are having fun! It was a day of bittersweet goodbyes, warm hugs, and far-flung travels!  “How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard” – Winnie the Pooh TBH (to be honest), this quote made me bat… Read more »

Day 22: Ailihphilia Adventures

An important tenet of Apogee, besides our love of prior preparation and keeping everyone safe and well-fed, is to have fun! To the reader who sees the title and knows what’s coming next, bravo! But for those who need a quick explanation… today is Day 22 of our blog, and the date is 7/17, so… Read more »

Day 21: Harry Potter and the Summer of Apogees

“It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities” – Albus Dumbledore  Today, we decided to give our Harry Potter fans a treat, because we know first-hand that the Apogee experience is ~magical~. And for everyone else, Happy Friday! We hope you learn a few things about Harry… Read more »

Day 20: Trivia Thursday

With it being the day after Hump Day, it could only be appropriate that we mixed it up and kept our readers on their toes. We are now presenting Trivia Thursday – to begin, can anyone tell me some National Holidays we are celebrating today? If you guessed Orange Chicken Day, National Gummy Worm Day,… Read more »