Day 27: We’re in Apogee Heaven!

Happy Thursday, Apogee Fam! We had an eventful day here in the Apogee-verse full of snorkeling, hiking & backpacking, biking through rolling hills and small towns, and another state-border crossing! These amazing groups can’t be stopped and won’t be slowing down any time soon. Scroll down to see what everybody’s been up to. Skip to… Read more »

Day 26: “Would You Rather” Wednesday!

Our outdoors enthusiasts are covering some SERIOUS mileage today, whether it’s by van, foot, bike, or kayak. There’s no better feeling than crushing some distance with an amazing group of people by your side. As you take a look at all the miles completed today, we are going to play a little game of Would… Read more »

Day 25: La Recette du Succès – The Recipe for Success

Bonjour! Ça va? Welcome to my kitchen! Since it’s ~taco~ Tuesday, I thought it was only fitting if I provided my readers with some of my top-secret tips in the kitchen! But first, let’s talk about our 11 trips exploring the great outdoors! Many of our groups hit the trails today (whether the trails were… Read more »