Day 2: You Say Goodbye and I Say Hello, Hello, Hello!

Skip to a Specific Trip: MCJ, CI, NEMC, MCCE, Maine Coast Junior (MCJ) The first day of MCJ started out strong with lots of smiles and get-to-know-you games. Once everyone arrived, they all piled into the van to head to their first (of many) beautiful campgrounds in Brunswick, Maine. Here, they enjoyed a delicious meal and… Read more »

Day 1: The Apogee Summer is Live!

Hello, folks!  Just like that, the Apogee summer is live!  Today, our first trip of the season is out of the gate and running full steam ahead.  Other leaders are itching with excitement as they put finishing touches on their trip preparations and eagerly await to meet their students soon.  We’ve been gearing up for… Read more »

Day 48: You Can’t Get There From Here.

We said some goodbyes to both Maine’s Downeast Explorer groups and our final Golden State Adventure trip today. Though it’s always sad to see our students leave for the summer, we can’t help but look forward to catching up with them again in the future for another adventure! Now that the summer is coming to… Read more »