Day 6: This Trip Is A Movie!

Every now and again, doesn’t your life feel like a movie?  Well on Apogee trips, every day feels like a movie!  Gazing at stunning sunset skies, cruising over the salty seas in a kayak, jamming with your friends around the campfire, climbing to the top of a mountain – these are all cinematic experiences that… Read more »

Day 5: Extra, Extra, Read All About It!

Hot off the printing press from Brunswick, Maine, it’s Day 5 in the Apogee Universe! It’s my honor and privilege to report to you the latest and greatest from groups in the field. Today was a particularly exciting day for many of our groups as their trips were just beginning. Seeing all these smiling faces… Read more »

Day 4: The Wild Wild West – Apogee Style

Much like the Wild West, many of our students are exploring new frontiers. Some are saddling up on their trusty steeds (bikes), a few are hiking up mountains (possibly looking for gold?) and many are just meeting their crew for the first time. Luckily for you, we’ve lassoed up a few photos from the rugged… Read more »