Day 10: Baby, you’re a firework!!

Even though not all of our trips are in America today to celebrate the Fourth (hello, Europe and Costa Rica!), every group got to explore the great outdoors through hiking, biking and service. For those who are in the States, it’s a “Party in the U.S.A.”! Let’s see what these party people were up to… Read more »

Day 9: Hiking and Biking and Service, Oh My!

Coming to you live, it’s Apogee Day 9! While our first trips of the summer wrapped up yesterday (we miss you, MCCE and MCJ!), there’s still plenty of adventuring happening out there in the Apo-verse. Whether biking along beautiful Cape Cod, swimming in Puerto Rico, or hiking in the Alps, the trips in the field… Read more »

Day 8: This….Is….Apogee!

With your hosts, the New England Support Staff! While our trips in the field can’t watch “Jeopardy!” to learn fun facts, you certainly can. We’ve got trips hiking, biking, surfing, climbing, and exploring in some of the coolest places in the world. Why not learn something new while looking at your students’ smiling faces? We’ll… Read more »

Day 7: After The Rain Comes a Rainbow!

Happy Friday! The weather is warm and sunny here in Brunswick, Maine, and we hope that it is equally nice wherever you’re reading this post from. While a couple of our trips encountered rain today, they all managed to find rainbows amidst the clouds! P.S., Happy Canada Day! Skip to a Specific Trip: MCJ, CI,… Read more »