Day 14: Fun Fact Friday

Welcome back, all! It’s Day 14 of the Apogee summer and, let me tell you, these trips are in the zone! From hiking and biking to service and surfing, our groups are basking in all the glory the great outdoors has to offer. While the days of the week kind of lose meaning during an… Read more »

Day 13: Haikus for You!

Hello and welcome back to the Apo-verse! After taking a look at all the breathtakingly beautiful pictures we got from the field today, we were feeling poetically inspired… so we’ve got some haikus for you! Before we get started, I wanted to share my personal favorite haiku: Haikus are easy but sometimes they don’t make… Read more »

Day 12: Beyond the Borders!!

Our Apogee summer keeps on cruising full speed ahead! We’re rolling across borders left and right today! From crossing physical country borders to breaking through personal comfort zones by trying new things and meeting challenges head on, our students’ love for adventure knows no borders! Trip after trip has left us in awe as we… Read more »

Day 11: Never a Goodbye, Just a See You Later

With many trips ending today or in the next few days, we begin to hear and see the saddest part of everyone’s Apogee summer: the goodbyes. But, just like saying goodbye to a brother or sister, it is always more of a “see you later”. The bonds and friendships made this summer have the capability… Read more »