Day 21: Keep On Keepin’ On!

Has it really been three full weeks of the Apogee summer already? Maybe there really is something to that old “time flies when you’re having fun” saying after all! While we’re almost at the halfway point of our summer, many of our trips are at different points in their journeys. No matter how long they’ve… Read more »

Day 20: Welcome to the Team!

It’s a big day of arrival here at Apogee! Our leaders in Alaska, California, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico, and Spain will all be picking up their next group of students! To these folks, we say “Welcome!!!” While we can’t wait to see what these folks get up to (ice climbing, surfing, zip-lining, snorkeling in tropical… Read more »

Day 19: Apogee, Dad Joke Edition

The moment everyone has been waiting for has finally arrived… It’s Dad Joke Day on the Apogee blog!! Now, don’t roll your eyes, we promise these are the best (worst?) ones we could find. Enjoy reading about all the amazing adventures happening in the Apo-verse right now, and maybe have a chuckle or two along… Read more »