Day 30: We Are Thirty Days in and Thriving!

Believe it or not, we’re officially 30 days into our summer! As previewed in yesterday’s blog intro, a few members of our office staff have turned 30 recently. While those of us still basking in the youthful glow of our 20’s occasionally like to poke fun at the more aged among us, we can’t help… Read more »

Day 29: It’s our last day in our twenties!

Good evening and welcome to another edition of the Apogee Summer Blog! Today brought us a number of trip starts all across the continent – from Cape Cod, Massachusetts all the way out to Seattle, Washington! This blog writer, having just turned 30, is feeling sentimental about the blog’s last day in its twenties. Tomorrow,… Read more »

Day 28: Apo Animals

Welcome, and welcome back to some! Today, we decided to take Fun Fact Friday up a notch and present you with a post full of fun facts about the state and national animals that our trips might encounter. There are so many fun names for groups of animals that we didn’t know about, but we… Read more »

Day 27: It Just Keeps Getting Better!

Welcome back to the Apogee Blog, and wow, do we have some awesome stuff going on today! Five of our trips woke up in the backcountry today, and while some returned to civilization, a few more are preparing to head into the BC tomorrow. Additionally, we’ve got sunrise hikes, European border-crossings, and a few groups… Read more »