Day 1: And We’re Off!

  Skip to a Specific Trip: MCCE Maine Coast College Essay (MCCE)  After months and months of waiting, the first day of Maine Coast College Essay is finally here! Full of smiles and excitement, this crew finally met to embark on their weeklong adventure together. They snapped this photo before heading to their home, the… Read more »

Day 51: When All Is Said And Done

… And then there were two. It was an incredibly bittersweet day in the Apo-verse today as we bid adieu to our last two trips of the summer. We’ve said this a thousand times, but we say it because it’s true: Time really does fly when you’re having fun. This summer certainly flew by, but… Read more »

Day 49: It’s the Final Countdown

I don’t know about you, but I feel like I blinked and suddenly it was day 49 of the Apogee summer. How did we get here?! With the help of some pretty amazing people, of course! And one of those amazing people deserves an extra-special shoutout in today’s blog… It’s Director Chad’s birthday! Happy birthday,… Read more »

Day 47: The Wilderness Must be Explored!

Another big day in the field for our Apogee family today! Some groups are saying goodbyes, some are exploring cities, and others are summiting mountains. No matter where their feet or tires have taken them, these dedicated Apogee students and Trip Leaders had a good day today! And to leave you with the wise words… Read more »