Day 45: ApoGeology!

It’s time to ROCK n’ roll, people – ApoGeology is here to bring you the latest scoop on all of our trips happening on the face of the Earth! Currently, Apogee leaders and students are on four out of seven of earth’s major tectonic plates – wowie! Read on to learn more about the rockin’… Read more »

Day 44: Extra, Extra! Read All About It!

Hey you! Yeah, you! Looking for tales of excitement and adventure? Look no further than Apogee Times. Since 2001, Apogee Times has beguiled its readers with stories of young people doing really cool stuff. Fresh off the printer, this paper can be yours for the low low price of your time. Read on and discover… Read more »

Day 43: One For The Ages

What a day to be part of the Apo-verse! So many amazing things are taking place on our trips all around the world, it’s hard to even know where to begin. So, we may as well start with the beginning – Apogee’s beginning. None of us – our students, leaders, staff, or families – would… Read more »

Day 41: Operation Carpe Diem

With agents around the globe, Apogee Adventure spies search the world for spontaneous experiences, comradery, and good times. Simply put, our agents have the license to have the best summer ever.  Incoming updates from our operatives in the field:  Skip to a Specific Trip: AKMCA, AKMCB, AX, CI, CRMC, CS, DEXA, DEXB, GSA, IMC, NWX, PC, PMC,… Read more »