Day 5: A Fourth Worth Celebrating

By: Tim Gruber (with a little help from our Founding Fathers) When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one to cast aside their fears and conquer the unthinkable. Today, we salute the likes of Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and Benjamin Franklin (among others), as Apogee’s many adventurers were able to revel in… Read more »

Day 4: Oceans, Rivers, Lochs, and More!

By: Greg Gallagher Today was an action packed day for Apogee all over the world.  Our groups did every type of activity you can think of – hiking, biking, kayaking, rafting, swimming and more!  A well-rounded day for Apogee is in the books! Maine Coast Junior (MCJ1):  An early morning for MCJ started a full… Read more »

Day 3: Let the Games Begin!

By: Gracie Wright After two days of trip starts, today is another day of firsts: first full day of hiking, biking, snacking, bonding, Quakering, cheer-leading, rodeo-ing, and first day of school for some groups, to name a few! Let’s check it out! Maine Coast Junior (MCJ1): After a scrumptious dinner at camp, our youngest Apogee adventurers… Read more »

Day 2: One for the Books!

By: Eliza Adams Today, friends, is a big day – not only because it marks the mid-point of 2016 and the start of a holiday weekend (and its corresponding traffic jams…), but most notably because it is a milestone in Apogee history! Today, a record-setting fifteen trips are embarking on their incredible journeys. Equipped with exuberant… Read more »