Day 23: Apogee Limericks for You!

Oh, how we miss our lovely Apogee leaders!

Out in the world, hiking and biking meters and meters.

We love hearing what they do,

And passing it on to you!

Shout outs and kudos to all of our friends and family readers!

Be sure to check out our Instagram for more!

Skip to a Specific Trip: AKMCCI, CRM, CRMC, CSPR, CSVI, DEXECC1, ECC2, GSA, IMC, PMC, VM

Alaska Mountains & Coast (AKMC)

Today, AKMC did service with Kenai Watershed Forum,

Throughout this experience they had top-notch decorum.

After, they saw Beluga Point,

The views in Alaska never disappoint,

This experience as a whole has absolutely no boredom!

Cape Cod & the Islands (CI)

From Provincetown to Boston, CI took a ferry – 

The vibes on that boat were positively merry.

After roaming the town,

There was nary a frown.

This positive experience, they are sure to carry!

Colorado’s Rocky Mountains (CRM)

Today’s the day the CRM team said farewell,

Will they meet again? Only time will tell.

With joy in their hearts,

They’re off to new starts,

Their time together truly was swell!

Costa Rica Mountains & Coast (CRMC)

Into the rainforest today the CRMC crew went,

A quick hike and river crossing got them to their new lodging arrangement.

Staying in a rainforest eco-lodge,

The good times are impossible to dodge,

Especially with afternoon chocolate making merriment!




Caribbean Service Puerto Rico (CSPR)

Painting a community center this morning, CSPR helped a bunch.

After which, they ate a yummy Puerto Rican lunch.

They had a chill afternoon;

The crew was in tune.

Their service will be awesome tomorrow, says the crew with a hunch!

Caribbean Service Virgin Islands (CSVI)

CSVI went cruising on the deep blue sea,

Sights of sea creatures made them weak in the knee!

They were able to snorkel,

These activities are their new normal.

“This is an awesome experience” they can all agree!



Europe Coast to Coast 1 (ECC1)

A day biking in the Alps is a day well spent,

They had a great time cycling on the pavement!

Over glorious mountain passes,

Admiring the Austrian grasses,

They forgot to send photos but crushed today’s ascent!

Europe Coast to Coast 2 (ECC2)

At the foot of the Alps mountain range,

High fives all around they are sure to exchange.

They climbed many a hill!

Tonight, they will eat their fill

While they prepare for tomorrow’s cross-Alps interchange!




Golden State Adventure (GSA)

Today marked GSA’s final Point Reyes hike

Down new paths, they are sure to strike!

After some In-n-Out,

To camp they took the shortest route.

On their ascent tomorrow, their great skill will seem catlike!




Iceland Mountains & Coast (IMC)

Today IMC put the “ice” in “Iceland!”

They spelunked in an ice cave – very on brand!

Oooh-ing and aaah-ing in the midnight sun,

They sure are having tons of fun!

Their time in this cool country is truly grand!


Maine’s Downeast Explorer (DEX)

Where is the DEX crew right now? Why, on the Appalachian Trail!

They’ve got strong feet, clear eyes; there’s no way to fail.

Heading away from Rainbow Lake,

Seconds at dinner, they are likely to take.

This incredible crew is sure to prevail!

Pyrenees Mountains and Coast (PMC)

These explorers started the Carros de Foc today,

It is clear that they’re all saying “Hooray!”

They had lots of uphill,

But they’re excited still,

Their hike on the CDF is officially underway.

Vermont to Montreal (VM)

VM’s morning was spectacular and spent in a boat.

In kayaks on Lake Champlain they did beautifully float.

Burlington is where they are now,

Having a blast and saying “wow!”

Good times were had aplenty, the leaders did note!