Day 7: Maximum Stoke Engaged…Heading into Hyperspace!

Pura Vida! A big blog welcome to the folks at Costa Rica Language & Community from all of us in the Apogee office! And to everyone else joining us for today’s illustrious blog post, welcome back! Today was a big day for the Apogee family stateside and abroad. From surfing to backpacking, the verdant hills of Vermont to the majestic hemlock trees of Olympic National Park, our Apogee campers made the most of today! Stay tuned to hear all about it!


Maine Coast Junior (MCJ)

Day three on MCJ, day one in Acadia! That’s right, folks–your favorite MCJ’ers are officially “downeast!” Today, MCJ hit the fabled hiking trails of Acadia National Park in earnest, finding great views, great conversation, and no doubt some critters along the way! After a gorgeous day of hiking, they headed to neighboring Bar Harbor to visit the main drag and grabbed some tasty ice cream as well. Yum!

Cape Cod & the Islands (CI)

Today, the Cape Cod & the Islands squad had a short ride and *exceedingly important* laundry stop! Clean clothes in hand, they arrived at their campground in beautiful Wellfleet, MA. With lots of time to spare this evening, the CI’ers cooked up a Michelin-level meal and explored the fantastic shoreline near their campground. A well-needed rest day before a big day of paddle boarding tomorrow!

New England Mountains & Coast A (NEMCA)

Today NEMCA made the most of some crummy weather. Though it was a drizzly, cold day in New Hampshire, this group didn’t let a small thing like weather get in the way of a good time! Instead of hiking today, they spent the day exploring a nearby town and got some well-deserved R&R after a very busy few days. They’ve got a big day tomorrow, but we’re happy to see them making the most of today! Carpe Diem, folks!

Colorado’s Rocky Mountains (CRM)

The CRM squad got up and at ‘em early today to make the most of their time in Rocky Mountain National Park. After five magical days in Colorado, these folks were primed and ready to take on a longer, grander hike today! On their hike to Emerald Lake (pictured here), they crossed babbling mountain brooks, walked among towering aspen trees, and may have even seen a mountain goat or two! With three days left in their trip, these adventurers are sure to be having the time of their lives! Leader Harrison sure is–big thumbs up!

Caribbean Service (CS)

Cowabunga! That’s right, reader–the CS team spent the morning hanging ten under the guidance of surf instructor extraordinaire, Ramse. After a great time crushing waves, our burgeoning surf pros spent a quiet, relaxing afternoon at a local beach spot soaking up the sun and trading surf stories. Totally tubular!

Maine Coast College Essay (MCCE)

It’s the day we’ve all been waiting for! After seven days of intense workshopping, editing, and reflection, the folks at MCCE spent their last day together in the best way possible: an essay reading! This was a powerful day–the group spent time presenting their brilliant work to and celebrating with one another. After an afternoon of beautiful words and prose, the MCCE’ers headed into Portland for a wonderful final dinner together. We are incredibly proud of this group. Great job to all, we are so excited to see all that you accomplish!

Maine’s Downeast Explorer (DEXA)

It was DEXA’s first day in the backcountry, where they are hiking a beautiful section of the Appalachian Trail in Northern Maine! Out in the backcountry, life moves slower and the wilderness is more present than ever before. The DEXA squad will challenge themselves and each other as they traverse one of the most beautiful parts of the AT. Far from civilization, they get to radically be in and for the world around them. We are so excited for them!

Maine’s Downeast Explorer (DEXB)

Day two in Acadia! On their first day of the crown jewel of “downeast,” DEXB spent time hiking and exploring this magnificent place–swimming holes, breathtaking vistas, and the expansive Atlantic ocean–amazing opportunities abound! After hiking Mount Champlain, this squad headed to Bar Harbor for some groceries and hot cocoa. At the end of a beautiful day together, the group got to bed early–they’ll be up bright and early for a sunrise at Cadillac Mountain tomorrow morning!

Vermont & Lake Champlain A (VLCA)

On day three of their trip, VLCA got to further experience the Green Mountain State. On a charming ride through verdant fells and quiet country roads, these folks even got to cross one of Vermont’s fabled covered bridges! After a long day of experiencing quintessential Vermont on two wheels, the VLCA team spent a restorative evening enjoying hot showers and drying off inside at their accommodations for the night. 

Vermont & Lake Champlain B (VLCB)

Look at that big smile from Ellie! VLCB spent another wonderful day biking in Western Vermont, this time with the end point of beautiful Lake St. Catherine. Despite some morning drizzle, this group stayed in great spirits, crushing the day before turning in at a wonderful campsite with hot showers, a great swimming hole, and their comfy sleeping bags. Good work, everyone!

Costa Rica Language & Community (CRLC)

What an exciting first day for Costa Rica Language & Community! After everyone arrived to the airport, superstar leaders Finnegan and Maeve took everyone to their home for the first few nights–a beautiful hostel in magical Turriabla. Today marks the first day of an incredible, life-changing journey for these folks–we are so excited for them! And, to those loved ones checking in, welcome to the Apogee blog! 

California Mountains & Coast (CMC)

Another great day in Yosemite! Not that we’re surprised–every day is heaven-on-earth in this magical spot. This was the group’s last day in the front country of the park. Tomorrow, they’ll be heading into the world-renowned Yosemite backcountry! The CMC squad spent the day completing a short day hike and spent the rest of the day gearing up for an incredible few days of backpacking. Great stories await!

Alaska Mountains & Coast A (AKMCA)

Out of the backcountry! Today, our AKMCA wilderness explorers emerged from the majestic Alaskan backcountry to head to their campsite and debrief a breathtaking few days. This evening, these folks got some well-needed R&R at their campsite and made a yummy thanksgiving-themed dinner over the campfire! Brick-and-mortar toilets, running water–after a few days in the wilderness the AKMCA squad is living large!

Alaska Mountains & Coast B (AKMCB)

It was a well-deserved rest day for the folks on AKMCB. After their exciting day scaling glaciers yesterday, this group spent the day in transit to Anchorage, doing laundry, and prepping for an incredible next few days backpacking in the Alaskan wilderness. They spent the evening packing their backpacks nice and tight and playing camp games (see picture)–the wild expanse is on the horizon!

Northwest Explorer (NWXA)

Day one in the Olympic National Park backcountry for NWXA! This morning, these folks laced up their boots, pulled on their stoke pants, and headed into the wilderness! As they hike in the only continental rainforest in the United States, this group will be experiencing the stillness and majesty of nature in a way few people are able to do. They’ll also be experiencing a day of in-and-out cell service, thus justifying their lack of photo evidence of their beautiful backcountry day. After their first day in the Hoh rainforest, this group is sure to be in for a good night’s sleep–a beautiful night resplendent with the soft patter of rain on towering hemlock trees and a sky full of stars. Sleep well, folks!

Northwest Explorer (NWXB)

NWXB spent a gorgeous morning and early afternoon kayaking off Cypress Island and headed inland to tonight’s campsite. Once in camp they spent some time honing their chess skills with a view. Will they come back as chess grandmasters? Have they figured out how to play chess in a kayak? We’ll have to ask them in sixteen days! 

Northwest Explorer (NWXC)

It was NWXC’s first day in the backcountry of Olympic National Park! Last night they took a quick restorative dip at a local swimming spot and cooked a yummy dinner as they got ready for their time in the backcountry. Today, they headed into the Hoh Rainforest, the only rainforest in the continental United States! Sound familiar? Sure does! NWXA is in the Hoh as well. However, they’re on opposite sides of the forest and won’t cross paths. However, rest assured that both groups will enjoy a quiet, gorgeous night in the backcountry of the Evergreen State! 

Pacific Coast (PC)

What a day to be on the PC crew! These folks started the day off right at beautiful Bullards Beach (pictured here). Look how happy leader Alex is!  After a great breakfast and a great beach view, the PC team headed from Port Orford to Humbug Mountain, experiencing quintessential and beautiful Oregon. With a day like that, can things get any better? Why yes, reader they can! Believe it or not, the PC crew is in for more perfect days like this one and beyond! Living the dream, just ask Alex!

America Coast to Coast 1 (ACC1)

Yooo ACC1! These folks crushed it today as they made more progress in Georgia, where they ended their ride in Sandersville, also known as the “Kaolin Capital of the World” and home of Washington County HS Golden Hawks! After a sixty-mile day, the ACC1 squad treated themselves to a well-deserved early night and yummy dinner. Back on the road again tomorrow! Keep up the good work, friends! Go Hawks!

America Coast to Coast 2 (ACC2)

No shower, no problem! ACC2 is coming to us live from Fairfax, South Carolina, where leader Christian is convinced that the team set an Apogee record by completing today’s ride and getting to camp as early as 11:01 AM! That’s moving! Nice work, team. After setting what is probably a world record time, these superstars got creative when it came time to wash off all today’s grime! Everyone knows pot showers are the best way to end a long day’s ride (pictured here). After a quick morning ride and a shower, these folks spent a restful afternoon at their campsite. They’re headed to the Peach State tomorrow, get stoked!