
Day 47: Cowabunga, my friends!

Well aren’t we just surfin’ through this summer?!  Throughout the Apogee world today, all sorts of kiddos took to the gnarly waves to rip some freshies, crush the pipeline, and totally hang loose.  In other words, it was a day of experiencing adventure, building confidence, and having fun along the way.  Read on into this groovy blog post to get an update on how our totally fresh friends out in the field got shredding.  It was a hang-ten kinda day!


Maine Coast Junior (MCJ)

Our totally tubular MCJers took a final farewell hike in Acadia National Park today before piling into the van and heading south down the coast.  Though exhausted from their epic hike, the team gazed out their left window during the ride and dreamed of ripping the waves of Big A (the Atlantic Ocean).  Tomorrow, the goofy gang will explore the Mid-Coast and have some fun before their final dinner!


Cape Cod & the Islands (CI)

What is the best way to prepare for a day of absolutely gnarly stand up paddle boarding?  A pancake breakfast!  Spatula-welding expert Apogee leader Meg just had to flip her wrist to send those hot cakes of victory pirouetting through the salty sea air and skipping through a sweet syrup soak before gently landing in the mouths of the group.  And paddle boarding was a hoot!  We heard those balancing skills were impressive on the water today.  Radical!



Is that a holiday tree at the campsite? Maybe somebody will leave new surfboards under it tonight!

New England Mountains & Coast A (NEMCA)

Today, this groovy gang of surfers headed back towards Mama Blue (the Atlantic Ocean) and made their way to the coast of Maine.  Once there, they absolutely shredded some gnar while helping out the local land trust to remove invasive species from the trailhead.  That’s important community service work; way to be totally off the hook, NEMC A!


Radical hotdog hat! #hotdoghatadventures

New England Mountains & Coast B (NEMCB)

NEMC B hit the road today and cruised on out of the White Mountains.  Peace out, you majestic peaks and ridges!  The gang swapped hiking poles for yard tools and absolutely went to work on heaps of invasive bittersweet vines at the local preserve in coastal Maine.  That community service project looks totally ill (as in, “cool, tight, sweet, radical”)!  The crew is looking forward to hitting the surf and kayaking tomorrow!


Hang twenty off that tree trunk!

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Maine Coast College Essay (MCCE)

MCCE paddled all the way down to South Portland today to wrap up their final admissions seminar.  The group was focused on the work cut out for them, but everyone felt good asking questions, going through exercises, and sharing ideas together.  It was, all in all, way epic!


Check out that perfect corduroy on the horizon! I could ride those waves!

Maine Coast Photo (MCP)

MCP’s bucket hat game continued to be strong (official count today totals four) as they explored the quintessential Maine coast town of Boothbay today.  Portrait photographs were taken, and the group practiced more editing skills too.  But whoa there, friends – look at all that stuff!  That storefront looks as treacherous as a rocky reef!


I bet you could find some enchanted items and runes in that store. Bring us back a souvenir for Apogee HQ!

Maine’s Downeast Explorer (DEXA)

It was a day of kayaking for our beach-bronzed DEX A squad today.  Did you know a group of surfers is called a quiver?  I wonder what you call a group of kayakers.  In any case, catching some swell out in Casco Bay was a sensational way to spend the last full day of trip.  This evening, these sweet party people celebrated with a special final dinner.  Booyah!


Bubble tea is a surfer’s delight!

Maine’s Downeast Explorer (DEXB)

The photos are in, and we’re beyond stoked!  Yesterday’s hike to the very top of Katahdin looks totally majestic and epic to the max.  And feast your eyes on that natural waterslide!  Whoa!  Leave it to DEX B to go bodysurfing on a mountain!  Tonight, the group celebrated all that they’ve accomplished together with a final dinner.  Stay fresh, DEX B, stay fresh!


Imagine a wave as tall as this mountain.


Perfect form!



Vermont & Lake Champlain A (VLCA)

They made it to Burlington!  For ten days, this metropolis has been the bomber wave on the horizon that is just out of reach.  But today, the group cruised 16 miles right into the big city like shredding down a perfect pipeline.  The ride was “totally sick!”  Tomorrow, VLC A will spend time exploring Burlington.  Get out there and shred!




Vermont & Lake Champlain B (VLCB)

Congratulations, VLCB!  Like massive breakers crashing into the beach, this crew of tenacious cyclists rolled into Burlington today after a 44 mile ride!  Righteous!  This evening was full of well-earned celebrations and an uncountable number of mega-stoked high fives.  Thumbs up, my party people!


Golden State Adventure (GSA)

Hang ten!  The GSA gang spent the day absolutely crushing some sweet, sweet barrels (that means surfing!) out on big blue today!  It was a blast!  After changing out of their wetsuits, the team splashed on up to Santa Monica for a celebratory final dinner.  Totally bodacious!


Is that surfing legend and Olympic gold medalist Carissa Moore in the background?

Northwest Explorer (NWX A & B!)

As the legendary surfer Iolani Moanna once said, “all precious waves eventually come to an end.”  Today is departure day for our NWX groups, and we’re sad to see them go.  These trips out west were all incredible rides of mega proportions, but let me tell you, these savvy surfers sure didn’t wipe out!  Instead, they made memories and forged friendships of a lifetime.  Peace out, NWX A and B!  Catch you on the next wavetrain!

Pacific Coast (PC)

With wistful smiles, our sensational PC team of champions bid farewell to her majesty la Pacifica, the mystical and all-knowing.  Full sending it down the coast all the way to San Francisco was the journey of a lifetime, and these kiddos put everything they had into the trip.  Stay tubular, PC!  We miss you already!

America Coast to Coast 2 (ACC2)

And just like that, ACC2’s journey comes to a close.  It’s been a sunset surf like none other!  The team hits the airport today but will always have their memories and friendships to remember this truly special summer.  Thank you all for being such cool cats and spunky seadogs!  You are all amazing; we love you so much!


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