
Day 46: See you in 2020!

Hello? Hello? Is this thing on…? Anyone out there? Considering that all students are back home, odds are slim that we’ve got our usual million+ blog viewers tuning tonight, but for the fair few who have made it to the very end, welcome! We couldn’t leave you hanging, so enjoy the final few photos of the Apogee 2019 summer. We’re already counting down the days until Summer 2020…

Skip to a Specific Trip: MCP, DEX

Maine Coast Photo (MCP)

What is better than getting to enjoy one of the most beautiful, quaint, places in the world? If you guessed, “getting to capture it along side an incredible group of peers, two inspiring leaders, and a professional photographer,” you were correct! We were proud to have this creative cohort as our last group of students in the field this summer! While your cameras captured the beauty of our home state, you captured our hearts.

Maine’s Downeast Explorer (DEX)

From the shady northern woods, to the sunny downeast harbors, this incredible group saw all the finest corners of Maine these past two weeks. Even more memorable than the adventures had, were the friendships made. After a final celebratory dinner in Portland last night and bittersweet goodbyes this morning, these students have returned to their homes.  width=



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