By Will Vietze
Are you a werewolf? Nervous about tonight’s full moon? Don’t worry, we’ve got all the Apogee updates to keep you at ease. Today was a veritable Tour de France here at Apogee – we crossed borders (French and French Canadian), trekked the Tour du Mont Blanc, consumed baguettes, dreamed of French fries (sorry), entered Montreal, made an ugly mess of the French language, mimed, and rolled through the French countryside. Magnifique!
Cape Cod & the Islands (CI)
The CI crew rode the ferry from Provincetown to Boston across Buzzard’s Bay. They spent the afternoon exploring Boston and can’t wait to celebrate the trip with a final meal!

New England Mountains & Coast (NEMC)
NEMC gathered in Wakefield before heading up to coastal Maine for their first night! They played icebreaker games, shared a delicious meal, and relaxed after a hectic day of travel. Leaders Jack and Olivia are super excited to show them the beauty of New England’s mountains AND coast!
Caribbean Service Adventure (CSA)
The CSA crew wrapped up their Vieques service by mixing fertilizer, painting picnic tables, mixing dirt, and smiling exuberantly. Safe to say that place looks spic and span! Word is: dirt is more fun to mix in the Caribbean.
Maine Coast Photo (MCP)
The MC Photographers began their quest to capture the perfect moment on Boothbay’s rugged coast. Unfortunately, pictures of people taking pictures aren’t quite as interesting as the pictures the people were taking (riddle me that). Overheard on trip: “This one would get so many Instagram likes.”
Maine’s Downeast Explorer (DEXA)
DEXA sea kayaked in iconic Isle Au Haut bay. After several days of hiking, they were eager to shed their packs and use their arms to explore the deep blue sea.
Vermont to Montréal (VM)
Bienvenue! Ther Vermonsters rolled into Montreal in style (by bike) and grabbed some well-deserved sweets. They have not engorged themselves with poutine yet, but I’ll keep you updated. Note: Carter looks like Sir Elton John in the photo below.
Costa Rica Language & Service (CRLS)
CRLS reentered society after a few days in the jungle. Last night, they organized an “American Idol” competition full of wonderful, dynamic performances. Based on the short video clips we have, they are an incredibly talented bunch.
California Mountains & Coast (CMCA)
Shannon, Kevin, and the gang reentered society with some beautiful pictures of their time in Yosemite. They had a wonderful time in America’s most iconic national park. Looks like a Patagonia ad to me!
California Mountains & Coast (CMCB)
After two days of exploring Tomales Bay, CMCB drove down to Santa Cruz to explore the watery deep by surfboard. They can’t wait to hope on their shred sticks and show Poseidon who’s boss!
Coast to Québec (CQA)
CQA awoke early to make their way into Canada, eh! At least three students are fluent in French after a few hours of full immersion (joking?). They are excited to see what life is like in the North (Game of Thrones begins next week, fans).
Coast to Québec (CQB)
CQB tackled their last full day in the U-S-A, riding through Maine’s wooded Northwest. No meese (mooses? moose?) were spotted, but they enjoyed the peaceful solitude of the route.
Montana Service Adventure (MSA)
MSA continued to ride across the Wild West, flanked by wild horses, bison, cattle, and majestic mountains. Nick, a Colorado native, taught them a thing or two about life in the Wild, Wild, West. After their 40 mile challenge day, they will surely enjoy a restful day of service tomorrow.
Northwest Explorer (NWXA)
NWXA continued to location scout for the Jeep’s new ad in the North Cascades. There are epic views at every turn, but a noted lack of service. Keep a look out for some epic pics!
Northwest Explorer (NWXB)
NWXB paddled out of the San Juan Islands after a few magical days on the water – much to their chagrin, the Eagle Cliff sunsets (pictured below) are a thing of the past. Fortunately, however, they’re gearing up for some new breathtaking views as they transition into their next stint in the backcountry!
Pacific Coast (PCA)
Rest day for PCA! Grace and Ryan lured them out of their tents with the sweet scent of pancakes, bacon, and eggs before a group exploration of Arcata. The William McKinley fans in the group were pleasantly surprised by an imposing statue in his likeness.
Pacific Coast (PCB)
PCB made their way down to Arcata after a tough 54 mile day. They are still in awe of the redwoods and can’t wait for their service and rest day tomorrow. Word is: Miles now sounds like he’s lived in California his entire life.
Scottish Highland Explorer (SHX)
The highlanders spent the day exploring Fort William (must be a cool place) and even checked out the West Highland Way Museum. Haggis update: Reid is officially the first group member to try haggis and enjoyed it thoroughly!
Alps Explorer (AXA)
AXA’s day consisted of 18 km along the TMB. Highlights included: stopping at the home of the discoverer of Neptune, views of Aiguille de Bionassy, and more majestic mountains.
Alps Explorer (AXB)
AX Bravo continued their hike along the TMB, crossing into Italy via the Col de la Seigne. Their trek has been full of Alpine (literally) views, a smelly cheese cellar, and a disappointing lack of those cool brimmed hats with the feathers.
Europe Coast to Coast (ECCA)
ECCA pedaled 118 km through the French countryside to Bar-le-duc, a town known for its currant jelly. Sufficed to say, we are very jelly of them! Demain, Paris!
Europe Coast to Coast (ECCB)
The ECCB squadron pedaled back into France to begin their quest for berets and baguettes. They have their sights set on Paris and are excited for their reservation at La Ratatouille of Pixar fame (Ok, you caught me- rats can’t actually cook and the restaurant doesn’t exist).
America Coast to Coast (ACC1)
ACC1 continued to crush copious miles as they rolled into Aliceville, Alabama. With legs of chiseled marble, they continue Westward tomorrow.
America Coast to Coast (ACC2)
ACC2 crossed into Alabama (the beautiful) early this morning. They spent the morning belting out “Sweet Home Alabama” and quoting the beloved Reese Witherspoon film of the same name.