Day 10 in the Apogee world was marked by one inaugural trip finishing and another beginning – today our Colorado crew said farewell and our Maine Coast Photo folks said hello! Elsewhere in the Apogee world, many of our ~2 week trips are a day or two away from their final destination (Boston, Montreal, etc.) and others are just shifting into the next stage of their itineraries. The diversity of what our trips were up to today was quite enormous, so – without further ado – we’ll let the photos speak for themselves!
Cape Cod & the Islands (CI)
Nine days ago, our Capers may have been intimidated by a 24 mile ride; now, they have legs of steel and crushed their mileage before lunch. They rolled into Provincetown today, and, though we can barely believe where the time went, they’ll take their final ferry to Boston tomorrow!

Colorado’s Rocky Mountains (CRM)
It was a bittersweet day in Colorado today, as the inaugural CRM trip comes to an end. After a ice cream-filled last night together in Boulder, our trailblazers can look forward to dreaming of beautiful mountains and whitewater rafting as they sleep soundly in their own beds. From your roommate back in Boulder, we ain’t ever getting older – thanks Chainsmokers!
Caribbean Service Adventure (CSA)
After a gorgeous guided kayaking tour in the morning, our favorite Puerto Rican travelers visited the Puerto Ferro lighthouse in the afternoon – fun fact: the Puerto Ferro lighthouse began operation in 1896!
Maine Coast Photo (MCP)
And they’re off! Today marks the first day of the first ever Maine Coast Photo trip, and we have a phenomenal team to start things off on the right foot. No pressure for great blog pictures, right? Hey Maine, say cheese!
Maine’s Downeast Explorer (DEXA)
Our patience has finally paid off, as we were very nearly overwhelmed with DEX photos from their last few days of hiking along the Appalachian Trail and Mt. Katahdin where service has been scarce. Not ones to sit still for long, our DEXers are already prepped for their next big adventure; tomorrow they’ll start kayaking through the beautiful seas of Isle au Haut Bay.
Vermont to Montréal (VM)
After their 23 miles today, our Vermonsters have their eyes on the prize: Montreal is just a 37-mile hop, skip, and a jump away now. Parlez-vous francais?
Costa Rica Language & Service (CRLS)
Another day without photos from our amigos in CR – we’ll have to use our imagination today. Imagine this: a morning of community service at the Eco Lodge, and an afternoon of exploration, swimming in waterfalls, and maybe even zip lining, all with monkeys and sloths along side them!
California Mountains & Coast (CMCA)
Night three of our Yose-mites’ backcountry expedition – which means two things: showers are coming soon, and so are blog pics! But for now, they’ll continue to enjoy their time away from civilization.
California Mountains & Coast (CMCB)
It looked like an epic kayak setting along the Point Reyes National Seashore for Jared & Jeanne’s team. After another night of campfires on the beach, they’ll head south en route to Santa Cruz.
Coast to Québec (CQA)
For 55 miles today, our intrepid CQ Alphas may have been more likely to see moose than other humans today. They enjoyed the solitude today and made great time into camp. Tonight, they’ll enjoy their last night of their trip on American soil – tomorrow, to Canada! On y va!
Coast to Québec (CQB)
Though we were told Ezra & Tina’s gang went whitewater rafting today and had a fantastic time, our only photographic evidence of their day was sans raft – but we can use our imagination. Fun was had by all, and a day off the saddles was earned! Also pictured below is a photo of an afternoon swim from yesterday after a long, hard, hilly ride!
Montana Service Adventure (MSA)
Emily & Nicholas led the charge for a solid 35 mile ride to the quaint town of Dupuyer, MT. Along the way they stopped at a dinosaur museum and tried unsuccessfully to transform into T-Rexs. Emily writes, “We doubled the population of Dupuyer!” Fun fact: the population of Dupuyer in 2010 was 86.
Northwest Explorer (NWXA)
Enjoy these pictures while they last, because Joby & Lindsey are now leading the charge into the heart of the North Cascades – where wild flowers and snowy peaks are plentiful. Our NWX Alpha squad just began their five night, six day backcountry expedition in the North Cascades National Park. Trust me, your patience will pay off once you see their photos in a few days. Happy trails, team!
Northwest Explorer (NWXB)
The NWX Bravo Unit combined kayaking and service today. They worked with the Department of Natural Resources to build a beautiful picnic table (check out that finished product!) and enjoyed another lovely day of paddling. Plus, check out that sunset from last night!
Pacific Coast (PCA)
Ryan & Grace’s stupendous cyclists muscled their way through 54 miles of riding today. Good news: the elk were friendly! No early alarm tomorrow – it’s a rest day!
Pacific Coast (PCB)
After a grueling 5 mile hill to start the day, Miles & Emma’s crew flew through their 32 miles en route to camp. Pros of riding through the redwoods: epic views. Cons of riding through the redwoods: not enough phone service to send pictures.
Scottish Highland Explorer (SHX)
Our Scottish trekkers can now check the West Highland Way off of their to-do-lists, and they’re rewarded with indoor accommodations for the next three nights. They casually hiked a half-marathon today.
Alps Explorer (AXA)
Dave & Isa’s resilient trekkers conquered a big day along the Tour de Mont Blanc and celebrated with personal pizzas and birthday cake. Word is that the group is scoffing at the big climb to start the day tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed for pictures tomorrow!
Alps Explorer (AXB)
We’re picture-less for both AX teams today, but Jessi & Nick’s squad have successfully completed what is likely the most difficult day of the entire TMB, and they’re cozy-ing up at a quaint French campground for the evening. Rumor has it there’s a tiny shop nearby that sells homemade cheese and bread…yum.
Europe Coast to Coast (ECCA)
For the second and final time of the trip, Red & Alyssa’s team crossed the border from Belgium into France, leaving 90 km of road behind them. Their home tonight is a campground in Attigny, a town known for withstanding 25 consecutive days of attack in World War II.
Europe Coast to Coast (ECCB)
Today, Chandler & Becca’s gang crossed the border into Belgium (again). They made great time to camp in Chimay, and they spent the afternoon playing cards and taking naps (better known in the Apogee world as “Apogee Napogees”).
America Coast to Coast (ACC1)
It was a tough, hilly, 80-mile today for Anna, Freddy, and their team of beastly riders. They were fantastically speedy – making it to camp in great time and will probably (hopefully) be asleep by the time this blog is posted…way to go team!
America Coast to Coast (ACC2)
As they say in the Apogee world: rest day, best day. One week into their cross-country trek, and ACC Dos has earned their first day-off the saddles. In proper rest day fashion, Tim & Sherry’s team slept in late, and did a whole lot of chilling. So well-deserved!