By Hannah Gensheimer
For many of us in the Apogee office, ringing in the new year doesn’t just mean holding true to our new year’s resolutions (eating a healthier diet poses a bit of a challenge when your office is located above a doughnut shop and a candy store…). Indeed, at Apogee, the start of the new year means it’s time to pack our bags as we hit the dusty trails for our 2017 Roadshow Presentations. Every January, Apogee’s Directors and a handful of our Assistant Directors leave snowy Maine to travel all over the country, from the outskirts of Boston to the peach trees in Georgia, the rolling hills of Texas, the frozen lakes of Minnesota, and all the way out to the Hollywood Hills and the Seattle Space Needle.
Personally, this is my favorite time of the year. I get to travel to new cities, meet amazing families, and share with others my passion for Apogee. But our Roadshow Presentations aren’t just fun for me, but they’re a really good way for families to learn if Apogee might be a great fit for them (cough, cough – it is!). So, why are Roadshows so great? Let me tell you!
- You build trust with Apogee. Each Roadshow Presentation is done by one of Apogee’s Directors or Assistant Directors. We want to build relationships with our families, and we want you to know how much we care about our program, our students, and our families. We want everyone to feel part of the Apogee family.
- It’s convenient! Whether you live in New England, the Midwest, the South, or out along the Pacific Coast, there’s a good chance we’re coming to a town near you. We’ll be visiting over 65 different locations in January and February, but if by chance we’re not going to be in your area, or you are unable to attend, you’re welcome to sign-up for one of our interactive, online webinars (we’ll get these fired up in February and March). And in case you’re looking for a ride to the presentation, our 2014 Maine Coast College Essay-ers would be happy to pick you up (see world-famous video below). You just have to bring your own dance moves.
- You can hear from Apogee Alumni. Just about every single presentation will have an alumni family in attendance. Ask them about their experience, or even about any nerves or concerns going into the summer! They’re going to be one of your best resources in learning about Apogee. If you’re looking to chat with additional references, or an alum is not present, we’re always happy to put you in touch with some Apogee veterans in your area.
Chris Amoroso’s third Apogee trip was a trip across the country!
- We’re here to answer all of your questions. If you’re new to Apogee, we’re sure you have a ton of questions about our programs – What will my child be eating on trip? Where do they stay at night? Can my child come with a friend? Our presentations are designed to answer all of your questions and please feel free to ask about anything we don’t cover! We want you to leave feeling well-informed and confident about a summer with Apogee.
Will and Lucy are more than happy to have their questions answered!
- They’re fun! – Okay, okay. I said the presentations are fun for me, but they’re really fun for you, too! I mean, it’s 45 minutes or so of some of the most gorgeous photos of spectacular places around the world! The question I get most asked during presentations are wide-eyed parents asking, “Can I come on a trip?!”
Who wouldn’t want to spend their evening being transported to these incredible sights?
So whatever reason you need to join us on the road this January, we’d love to see you out there! You can RSVP for any presentation here or by contacting our office directly at or by calling 207-725-7025. We’re looking forward to seeing you soon!