
Day 39 – Sourdough Specials

Sam here, in the quietest day this office has seen in a while (not a phone call to speak of). An incredible and smooth (knock on wood) summer so far, we have officially reached the home stretch as the last trips end one week from yesterday. And what a summer it has been-from flying moose in Maine to alien museums in Roswell, NM, this blog sure has seen a lot, so let’s see what we can add today!


CI: These guys are wrapping it up down in Boston today, and what a way to end it! From admiring the finest spray-paint art Renoir has to offer to going back to the ’80s for some dance lessons, they truly hit the town before a tasty final dinner tonight.



CSA: The group is living it up down in Cabo Rojo, as they had a fun day on the water! Down on Caribbean Surfing Adventure the group had a day away from service on some surfboards, where they caught some waves. Tomorrow they head back to the Wildlife Refuge for some more volunteering.


PCA: PCA spent today resting their legs on a day off, and recharging their batteries near Mendocino. They reach the Golden Gate Bridge on Thursday!


PCB: Today was PCB’s turn to climb Leggett Mountain, and it didn’t even phase them, as they finished 45 miles before lunch! They are just 15 miles from their destination for the evening, where they will get to spend some time with the other PC-ers.


NWX: The reports from the backcountry are all coming back positive and beautiful.  They had a stupendous 5 days filled with stunning scenes, awesome hikes, and even a few tortillas.  The first photo of them is pre-backcountry, clean and ready to hike.  The next couple are hiking shots in the beautiful North Cascades, and last, the chivalrous gentlemen of NWX let the ladies have the first showers post-backcountry – what nice guys!


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TSA: We sadly didn’t hear from Laura and Pat’s crew today, but they progressed to Pitigliano to a beautiful campground with one nice swimming hole for the evening. Tomorrow is one of the nicest days of biking not only for the scenery but also for the fact that it is largely downhill!

ACC1: With a 12-mile mountain climb out of the desert this morning behind them, the group saw their first signs for San Diego. The air is getting saltier and sea-breezier as the group is unbelievably just one days’ ride away the cool waters of the Pacific and the completion of their six week odyssey.



ACC2: This group cruised across the sandy 110 miles seperating them from 29 Palms and air conditioned motel rooms. Hard to believe that the 105+ degree temps will be cooled off with dips in the Pacific in 3 short days.


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