
Day 23 – The Quiet

As the father of a 3 and 1 year old, there’s not a lot of quiet or down time at our house right now. Diapers need to be changed, books need to be read, baths need to be drawn, hungry boys need to be fed… It’s busy to say the least. And when I get to the office these days, the pace typically doesn’t slacken. Trips starting, trips ending, correspondence with parents and leaders, paperwork to be copied and completed…you get the picture. So when I have a day like today, where the phone barely rings and email just trickles in…I’m not going to lie…it’s pretty nice.

So…I don’t have a ton to report.

Chad (who’s off today) forwarded me the below picture of our Downeast Explorer trip in Isle au Haut Bay. I agree, it’s tough to see your kids in this pic, but they are there, paddling in a gorgeous area of Maine. They should be off the water tomorrow, and we hope to have some actual stories then to pass on.


Both Coast to Quebec groups crushed their mileage today. Andy and Corley’s group were in to camp by 2 PM and Jess and Pete finished their 30 miles by 11:30 AM. They all sounded in good spirits. Andy sent the below picture from Wiscasset on the banks of the Kennebec River this morning.


Just got off the phone with Cait and her ACC group. If you haven’t picked up on this already through past blog entries, those guys are rock stars. They’ll do over 100 miles today, and were about 15 miles from their destination. Tomorrow they enter New Mexico and the Mountain Standard Time Zone — so hard to believe they are only a few days away from the Rockies.

David and Anna’s NEMC’rs (if that can be stated) spent this afternoon doing some trail maintenance work at a local Brunswick, Maine land preserve. Tomorrow is there last full day together, and they’re looking forward to some sea kayaking on the New Meadows River and a final dinner in Portland.

And finally, our Cape groups. Both were spending their last day together exploring Boston. Some shopping and window browsing was definitely done on Newbury St. There was a rumor that Lucas, Danika and crew went to the Boston Aquarium, but I can’t confirm or deny this. I guess we’ll find out tomorrow. And Wyatt, Chrissy and company as of 2 PM were contemplating taking in an afternoon matinee before their final dinner. The bottom line is they are all doing great!

So that’s it sports fans. Have a great night!


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